Good Girl Gone Bad Live ist die erste von RBSngerin Rihanna. Juni 2008 in Europa verffentlicht. Die DVD beinhaltet die Show aus der MEN Arena in Manchester, England, whrend ihrer Good Girl Gone Bad Tour von dem 6. Features Song Lyrics for Rihanna's Good Girl Gone Bad (Live) album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. Good Girl Gone Bad Live Un DVD de la tourne de Rihanna, Good Girl Gone Bad Live, est paru en juin 2008. Celuici rsulte de l'enregistrement du concert de Rihanna. Good Girl Gone Bad: The Remixes, 27 2009, 2 2009. Good Girl Gone Bad Live aa a DVD BluRay. MEN Arena, , The Good Girl Gone Bad Tour. Sinopse: No deixem de conferir o primeiro DVD ao vivo de um show completo de Rihanna. Filmado em Manchester (UK), em dezembro de 2007, este show maravilhoso foi registrado por 14 cmeras multingulo em alta definio e apresenta performances incrveis de hits dos trs lbuns da carreira de Rihanna. Incluindo a msica que alcanou primeiro lugar em todo o mundo, Umbrella. Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded Good Girl Gone Bad. 2 2008, Def Jam Recordings SRP Records. From beginning to end, Good Girl Gone Bad is as pop as pop gets in 2007, each one of its 12 songs a potential hit in some territory. Unlike Music of the Sun or A Girl Like Me, neither Caribbean flavorings nor ballad ODs are part of the script, and there isn't an attempt to. De deluxe versie is een limited edition van slechts 500 stuks, verpakt in een luxe digipack. Rihanna heeft het afgelopen jaar een nieuw hoogtepunt bereikt in haar carrire met een album waar alleen maar hits vanaf zijn gekomen Umbrella, Shut Up And Drive, Don't Stop The Music. Good Girl Gone Bad Live is the first music DVD and BluRay release video from RB singer Rihanna. It was released on 13 June, 2008 in Europe. The DVD includes the show from the MEN Arena in Manchester, England, filmed during The Good Girl Gone Bad Tour on the 6 December, 2007. Good Girl Gone Bad Live's wiki: 3AGoodarticles relnofollow titleThis is a good article. A Good Girl Gone Bad Live Rihanna barbadosi RBnekes els koncertDVDje. jnius 12n jelent meg Eurpban, s az ezt kvet napokban a vilg tbbi rszn is. You are watching now the Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad: Live movie has Documentary Music Genres and produced in USA with 95 min runtime. I have to admit allot of concerts on home video sometimes don't work, but for Good Girl Gone Bad you would get a run for your money as the bluray shows striking visuals, sweat, detail of fabulous coustumes, and great digital HD sound. Good Girl Gone Bad Live is de eerste livemuziek dvd van zangeres Rihanna, uitgekomen op 12 juni 2008. Het betreft een opname van het concert dat in de MEN arena in de Britse stad Manchester werd opgenomen op 6 december 2007. De dvd werd genomineerd voor een Grammy Award Presented in an aspect ratio of 1. 78: 1, encoded with MPEG4 AVC and granted a 1080i live transfer, Good Girl Gone Bad arrives on Bluray courtesy of Def Jam. 0 out of 5 stars rihanna: good girl gone bad live. This is a great dvd to buy from rihanna live performances. 0 out of 5 stars Rihanna put on a show! I have watched this concert a few times. Excellent sound and video quality. Published on December 15, 2015. Live concert from the RB divasuperstar, filmed at Manchester Evening News Arena in the UK on December 6th, 2007. Recorded during her successful UK tour supporting the megamillion selling Good Girl Gone Bad album, Rihanna was capture live at her energetic and fiery best, performing songs from her three hit albums and so much more. Good Girl Gone Bad Live is the first live longform video by Barbadian singer Rihanna. It was first released on June Good Girl Gone Bad Live o primeiro DVD de Rihanna, filmado em Manchester, durante a The Good Girl Gone Bad Tour, a 6 de Dezembro de 2007. Foi nomeado para os 51st Grammy Awards na categoria de Best Long Form Music Video. Find a Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad first pressing or reissue. Complete your Rihanna collection. A video album, Good Girl Gone Bad Live, was filmed at the Manchester Arena show in Manchester, United Kingdom, on December 6, 2007. The Good Girl Gone Bad Live DVD was released on June 9 and 13, 2008, in the United Kingdom and Germany through. Eminem Rihanna The Monster Tour (Full Show @Pasadena, Rose Bowl) ePro Exclusive Duration: 2: 07: 05. ePRO Team: Support for Eminem Shady Records 2, 762, 703 views Good Girl Gone Bad Live Ver artigo principal: Good Girl Gone Bad Live O concerto na Manchester Evening News Arena em Manchester, Inglaterra, a 6 de Dezembro de 2007, foi gravado e no se esperava que fosse convertido no primeiro lbum de vdeo da cantora. Items delivered internationally may be subject to customs processing depending on the item's declared value. Best Songs Of 1985s Unforgettable 80s Music Hits Greatest Golden Oldies 80s Music Duration: 1: 44: 07. Music Box Recommended for you . Find industry contacts talent representation. Access indevelopment titles not available on IMDb. Get the latest news from leading industry trades Live Spotlight 360 Video Browse channels Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Remove all; Disconnect; The next video is starting stop. counttotal Mgane du Clan des AltariaLover. Good Girl Gone Bad Live est un DVD du concert de Rihanna enregistr le 6 dcembre 2007 lors de son concert Manchester pendant sa tourne Good Girl Gone Bad Tour. Il comporte en plus un documentaire de 15 minutes racontant la vie de Rihanna en tourne. Good Girl Gone Bad Live, Barbadoslu RB arkcs Rihanna'nn ilk video DVD'si. lk kez 13 Haziran 2008 tarihinde Avrupa 'da yaymlanmtr. Bu DVD, Rihanna'nn Good Girl Gone Bad Tour kapsamnda MEN Arena, Manchester, ngiltere 'de 6 Aralk 2007 tarihinde verdii. Recorded live before a packed house in Manchester, this charismatic concert film captures Rihanna at her best, energizing fans with a top to bottom performance of. Good Girl Gone Bad Live zapis koncertu Rihanny z trasy Good Girl Gone Bad Tour, ktry mia miejsce roku w Manchester Evening News Arena w Manchesterze. DVD zawiera take materia Documentary z dokumentacj caego tourne. DVD zostao wydane 13 czerwca 2008 roku w Europie. Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad Live [BluRay BluRay (Untouched) Wir bieten jedes Musikalbum und jedes Hrbuch kostenlos als Download an. Bei uns ist alles online, von den neusten Charts und Alben bis zu alten MusikKlassikern. Watch Music Movie Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad: Live on Movietube. Good Girl Gone Bad Live is the first music DVD and BluRay release video from RB si Find a Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad Live first pressing or reissue. Complete your Rihanna collection. Mano, vocs esto de parabns pela organizao nesse blog. No tive qualquer tipo de complicao! S precisava mesmo dos videos em Full HD. Good Girl Gone Bad Live o primeiro lbum de vdeo da cantora Rihanna, filmado em Manchester, durante a The Good Girl Gone Bad Tour, a 6 de Dezembro de 2007. [8 Foi nomeado para os 51st Grammy Awards na categoria de Best Long Form Music Video. Good Girl Gone Bad on RBlaulaja Rihannan kolmas osassa Euroopan maissa albumi julkaistiin 4. keskuuta 2007 ja Yhdysvalloissa piv myhemmin. Albumi myi Yhdysvalloissa ensimmisell viikollaan 168 000 kappaletta ja ylsi Billboard 200listan kakkoseksi. Albumia on myyty maailmanlaajuisesti yli 10 miljoonaa kappaletta ja se on noussut Top 10listalle 25.