Mass Effect Universe Mass Effect 1 Mass Effect Garrus Mass Effect Concept art books Nerd Stuff Archangel Video Game Art Sci Fi Fine Art Costumes Drawings Sculptures Spirituality VideoGames Illustrations Video Games Science Fiction. The Art of the Mass Effect Universe is a gorgeous compendium of concept art for the complete Mass Effect trilogy, an ambitious video game series where a player's decisions have drastic ramifications that span the length of the entire trilogy. 17, 754 likes 490 talking about this. This the Mass Effect Universe, here you will get the latest news on new Mass Effect games The Story. The Mass Effect trilogy is a groundbreaking epic that has immersed gamers in one of science fictions richest universes. Now BioWare and Dark Horse are proud to invite fans deeper than ever into the Mass Effect saga with The Art of the Mass Effect Universe. Gamble: It is actually theoretically, in the I. , possible to have the entire Mass Effect universe within a Shaper Storm. I look at Dragon Age, and to me thats clearly alternate universe. Magic does not exist in Mass Effect. A DLC in Mass Effect 2, for example, features a statue of an ogre from Dragon Age. Mass Effect 1, if I recall correctly, has at least one character referencing the maker, which is what people. Archon), Mass Effect: Andromeda, . A mixture of videos based around the Mass Effect game series and lore Welcome to rMassEffect. This subreddit is a forum for people who love the Mass Effect universe the games, books, comics, and DLC. Join rmasseffect's officially endorsed Discord channel here! All rules are subject to moderator discretion. It isn't even a contest, the Covenant pretty much beats them no matter what, the only Halo faction that the Mass Effect universe would be able to put up. Please Enter Your Date of Birth. ist die deutschsprachige Fansite zum Mass Effect fr PlayStation 4, Playstation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U und den PC. With stunning visuals and a new galaxy to discover, BioWare delivers the next generation of space exploration in the Mass Effect universe. With stunning visuals and a new galaxy to discover, BioWare delivers the next generation of space exploration in the Mass Effect universe. This past weekend, information came out regarding our new series of Mass Effect novels from Titan Books. These novels will give us the opportunity to expand the Mass Effect universe and bring new stories to life outside of the games. The Mass Effect series is a groundbreaking epic that has immersed gamers in one of science fiction s richest universes. Now BioWare and Dark Horse are proud to invite fans deeper than ever into the Mass Effect saga with The Art of the Mass Effect Universe. The Mass Effect trilogy is a groundbreaking epic that has immersed gamers in one of science fiction's richest universes. Now BioWare and Dark Horse are proud to invite fans deeper than ever into the Mass Effect saga with The Art of the Mass Effect Universe! Featuring concept art and commentary by BioWare on the games' characters, locations, vehicles, weapons, and more (including Mass Effect 3. The Mass Effect Universe contains all related material from the Mass Effect video game a nd its potential sequels. A Mass Effect fanfic, that changes the canon of the series from the First Contact War on. The colonists on Shanxi are attacked by Batarian slavers, and Shepard's mother dies in a firefight. This is the timeline of the Mass Effect universe. All dates are in BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). The explorers discover that the mass relays are part of a vast network, making travel across the galaxy possible. Il y a beaucoup de choix effectuer dans laventure de Mass Effect Andromeda. Pour vous aider, voici un rsum de la plupart des choix que vous pourrez faire pendant vos parties. The latest Tweets from Mass EffectUniverse (@MassEffectUni). Brandheie News zu Mass Effect: Andromeda der Shepard Trilogie, alle wichtigen Informationen, spannende LiveStreams und eine lebendige Community! Deutschland Support Mass Effect Universe by making a donation. And by making a donation you'll also receive one month of ad free page viewing of this group. The Mass Effect trilogy is a groundbreaking epic that has immersed gamers in one of science fiction's richest universes. Now BioWare and Dark Horse are proud to invite fans deeper than ever into the Mass Effect saga with The Art of the Mass Effect Universe. Mass Effect Universe vous propose une slection des plus belles et rcentes crations de fans Mass Effect: fan arts, cosplays ou vidos. Si vous souhaitez pousser lexprience plus loin, vous retrouverez bon nombre de fan arts et cosplays sur notre groupe sur deviantArt. Universe Mass Effect 3: The Mass Effect 3 Universe pages contain information about Characters, Races, Locations, Plot and Enemies. Squad Members are characters you have Instead, Mass Effect exposes the very basis of intelligent exchange in the universe, the Mass Relays, to be a Trojan Horse. Progress a lockstep, welltreaded. Mass Effect Universe est un site entirement ddi l'oeuvre de science fiction cr par Bioware. Plus que de crer des jeux vido, Bioware a su donner vie. The Mass Effect universe is overflowing with a tremendous cast of characters, vehicles, weapons, and more objects begging to be brought from the digital world and into your hands. The designation MV, or Merchant Vessel, denotes any ship owned and operated by a nongovernment individual or organization. Anything from cargo freighters to cruise liners can be classified under this designation, and is standard for all ships not under the control of an official military. Commander Shepard is the main protagonist of the first three Mass Effect games. The character's first name, gender, background, and appearance are determined by the player on starting a new game, with both Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 allowing the player to import saves from previous games to carry over that version of Shepard. Depending on the choice of gender, Shepard is voiced by either. There are doublecrossers, extinct species, complex political motivations, and ships shaped like cuttlefish. And if you havent downloaded all the DLC, or even just played. Mass Effect: Andromeda is the first new Mass Effect game in five years and the first on the current generation of consoles. Set in the same universe as the original trilogy but in a different. Mass Effect Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Gamer Movie Deadpool 2 Honest Trailers. Diskutiere ber das gesamte Repertoire der ShepardTrilogie, inklusive Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Miranda optrder i Mass Effect Galaxy som en ikke spilbar figur og i Mass Effect 2 som et holdmedlem. I Galaxy optrder hun som et hologram for Jacob. Via hendes hologram hjlper hun Jacob med at afslre det mordplot en gruppe Batarians forsger at gennemfre imod Citadel rdet. The latest Tweets from Mass Effect Universe (@MEUniverseFR). Mass Effect Universe est un fan site entirement ddi luvre de science fiction cre par Bioware The Best Weather in The Mass Effect Universe The following nations were determined to have the best allround weather. As a region, The Mass Effect Universe is. Mass Effect Universe vous propose une slection des plus belles et rcentes crations de fans Mass Effect: fan arts, cosplays ou vidos. Si vous Mass Effect Universe is a game in development by BioWare, it is supposedly to be the game to wrap up the Mass Effect trilogy for those players who had their Shepard character 'die' on the Collector Suicide Run at the conclusion of. The content runs from early sketches to full blown art work of the Mass Effect universe. Most have comments and explanations attached such as what the goal of that design was, why they removed this or that, very insightful to see inside the art design of a Bioware project. Mass Effect Universe MEU Telegram, Telegram Mass Effect. FollowFav HaloMass Effect: Ruptured Universe (Cancelled) By: JediSpectre177. Multiple crossovers AvP, RvB, JC's Avatar, Star wars, Halo, Mass Effect and more. Authors 2nd apology and Cancellation on chapter 14. This subreddit is a forum for people who love the Mass Effect universe the games, books, comics, and DLC. Join rmasseffect's officially endorsed Discord channel here! All rules are subject to moderator discretion. Mass Effect Wiki is a comprehensive database for the Mass Effect video game series. The wiki is dedicated to collecting all information related to the franchise, such as classes, characters, races, walkthroughs, assignments and more. The mainstay workhorse of the Systems Alliance Navy, the Stockholm serves in multiple capacities from running wolfpack frigate groups to escorting dreadnoughts to patrols. Name: Stockholmclass Mass Effect Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community..