A fully updated edition of the bestselling Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary. This paperback edition is ideal for advanced (C1C2) learners of English and contains A fully updated edition of the bestselling Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. This paperback edition is ideal for advanced (C1C2) learners of English and contains uptodate vocabulary, including words from the areas of technology, media, language, society, and lifestyle, plus important words for academic study. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (unofficially Cambridge English Dictionary or Cambridge Dictionary, abbreviated CALD) was first published in 1995 under the name Cambridge International Dictionary of English, by the Cambridge University Press. The dictionary has over 140, 000 words, phrases, and meanings. Cambridge English: Advanced is a rigorous and thorough test of English at Level C1. It covers all four language skills reading, writing, listening and speaking and includes a fifth element focusing on the candidates understanding of the structure of the language. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the best dictionary for general British English on Cambridge Dictionaries Online. Select British English from the list of dictionaries at the top of any page on Cambridge Dictionaries Online to search this dictionary. A fully updated edition of the bestselling Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. This paperback edition is ideal for advanced (C1C2) learners of English and contains uptodate vocabulary, including words from the areas of technology, media, language, society, and lifestyle, plus important words for academic study. A new edition of the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, which is now more userfriendly than ever. Clear definitions and prominent guidewords help you find the meaning you want quickly and easily. Hundreds of new words ensure your English is up to date. And 'Word partner' boxes show you how to use words in the most natural way. As the Cambridge University Press has expressed, and I fairly admit this, one of the most advantages of this dictionary over the others, specially Oxford version, is that there is a short, simple and practical word defining the entry. A fully updated edition of the bestselling Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. This paperback edition is ideal for advanced (C1C2) learners of English and contains uptodate vocabulary, including words from the areas of technology, media, language, society, and lifestyle, plus important words for academic study. Ideal for Cambridge English: First, Advanced, Proficiency, Business English andIELTS test preparation. Uptodate vocabulary includes words from the areas of technology, media, language, society and lifestyle, plus important words for academic study. 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