Barbet Schroeder coproduit galement cette poque des films de Jacques Rivette, Jean Eustache, Rainer W. Barbet Schroeder ralise alors More (1969) et La Valle (1972), deux films emblmatiques de la culture hippie, tous deux. More mehr immer mehr (Alternativtitel: Gier nach Lust) ist ein Film von Barbet Schroeder aus dem Jahr 1969 mit Mimsy Farmer und Klaus Grnberg in den Hauptrollen. More ist der erste Film, zu dem die englische Band Pink Floyd die gesamte Filmmusik komponiert und gespielt hat. Watch videoBarbet Schroeder's psychedelic opera prima, filmed in Ibiza in 1969. Barbet Schroeder is an Iranianborn Swiss film director and producer who started his career in French cinema in the 1960s, working together with directors su Barbet Schroeder. 1, 114 likes 5 talking about this. Author More est un film de Barbet Schroeder, sorti en 1969 et qui raconte l'aventure d'un jeune Allemand, qui une Amricaine fait dcouvrir les. The first feature by Barbet Schroeder (Matresse, The Valley), More created a sensation when it was released in 1969, quickly becoming a cult classic. Barbet Schroeder's Swiss geologist father was on assignment in Iran when he was born. After a globetrotting childhood, Schroeder was educated at the Sorbonne; then, like half the under30. More is a 1969 film which was the first directorial effort by Barbet Schroeder. The film became a hit in Europe, and today it has now achieved the status of a cult classic. The film became a hit in Europe, and today it has now achieved the status of a cult classic. More (Mais, em Portugus), um filme lanado em 1969, com direo de um dos maiores diretores europeus, Barbet Schroeder, o qual muito conhecido por dois filmes mais atuais, 2007 Terror's Advocate (O Advogado do Terror) e 2002 Murder by Numbers (Clculo Mortal). It was a revelation to finally be able to see it, and it fits in perfectly with other great Barbet Schroeder films like Barfly and Single White Female. I think it is a classic about drug addiction and the '60s. Barbet Schroeder (pronounced barbay) Born Aug. His father is a Swiss geologist from Geneva, his mother a German physician. His father is a Swiss geologist from Geneva, his mother a German physician. Barbet Schroeder, Director: La virgen de los sicarios. Barbet Schroeder was born on August 26, 1941 in Tehran, Iran. He is a director and producer, known for La virgen de los sicarios (2000), Murder by Numbers (2002) and Barfly (1987). This page was last edited on 5 August 2018, at 00: 45. All structured data from the main, property and lexeme namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0. Find great deals on eBay for Barbet Schroeder. Barbet Schroeder (on Colombia) Born in Teheran, Iran, on August 26, 1941 to a Swiss geologist father and a Germanborn, nonpracticing physician mother, Barbet Schroeder spent his formative years in the oilrich countries of Iran, and then Colombia, where the family moved to when he was 6 years old. srpna 1941, Tehern) je francouzsk filmov reisr. Narodil se v rnu nmeck matce a vcarskmu otci. Svj prvn film nazvan More natoil v roce 1969 a hudbu k nmu nahrla britsk rockov skupina Pink Floyd. Zeinab Badawi speaks to Swiss film director Barbet Schroeder about the nature of evil. Barbet Schroeder was born on August 26, 1941 in Teheran, Iran. He is an American Regisseur, Schauspieler, known for Barfly (1987), Les carabiniers (1963), Paris vu par (1964), Barbet Schroeder's first movie on record is from 1963. His last motion picture on file dates from 2002. More (1969) Barbet Schroeder Pink Floyd Original Trailer by FilmClips Drama. With Mimsy Farmer; Klaus Grnberg; Heinz Enge Barbet Schroeder's More is a weird, freaky movie about two hedonisitc kids who destroy themselves with drugs. More precisely, it's about a kinky American girl who destroys her German boyfriend and in the process destroys herself. More Di pi, ancora di pi un film del 1969 diretto da Barbet Schroeder. Racconta di una intensa e tormentata storia d'amore tra due giovani nell'Ibiza dell'epoca, allora. More est un film ralis par Barbet Schroeder avec Mimsy Farmer, Klaus Grnberg. Synopsis: En qute daventures et de luimme, Stefan, un jeune tudiant allemand, en route vers le Soleil. Barbet Schroeder (born 26 August 1941) is an Iranianborn Swiss film director and producer who started his career in French cinema in the 1960s, working together with directors such as JeanLuc Godard and Jacques Rivette. More (1969), about heroin addiction, became a hit in Europe. Fils d'un gologue suisse et d'une Allemande, Barbet Schroeder grandit en Colombie. Lorsque ses parents se sparent, il part Paris avec sa mre. The film director Barbet Schroeder on his Trilogy of Evil films and the nature of humanity. Director Barbet Schroeder used the principal location of More (1969) later again in Amnesia (2015): The white house at the sea near Sant Antoni de Portmany, Ibiza was built in 1935 and acquired by Schroeder's mother in 1951. She lived there for over 20 years. This is an attempt to evoke the special atmosphere of the film, with a montage of scenes from Barbet Schroeder's More (1969), set to the music recorded by youtube. com More by Barbet Schroeder added a new photo to the album: October 3, 2011. Barbet Schroeder @barbetschroeder Follow more accounts to get instant updates about topics you care about. Find what's happening See the latest conversations about any topic instantly. Never miss a Moment Catch up instantly on the best stories happening as they unfold. Barbet Schroeder beim Filmfestival von Cannes 2017 Barbet Schroeder ( 26. August 1941 in Teheran, Iran ) ist ein franzsischer Filmproduzent schweizerischer Abstammung, Filmregisseur, Drehbuchautor und Schauspieler. Barbet Schroeder's strongest moments are director are very rarely, if ever all that strong, but there are high marks in Schroeder's direction to replenish some degree of your investment, which. Barbet Schroeder (born 26 August 1941) is an Iranianborn Swiss film director and producer who started his career in French cinema in the 1960s, working together. Barbet Schroeder's Swiss geologist father was on assignment in Iran when he was born. After a globetrotting childhood, Schroeder was educated at the Sorbonne; then, like half the under30 population of France (or so it seemed), he became a movie critic. Expect the unexpected is the name of Barbet Schroeders game: Whenever you think youve been able to pinpoint his art hell come up with something so different from everything he did so far yet so him it hurts. Being a polymath of cinema and a polyglot of genres, hell deliver with the same ease. The first feature by filmmaker Barbet Schroeder (Matresse, The Valley), More created a sensation when it was released in 1969, quickly becoming a cult classic. Its subdued and moody Pink Floyd soundtrack features some of the band's most spontaneous and eclectic work including Green is the Colour, Cymbaline and The Nile Song. Barbet Schroeder Filmography (select) More (1969) Matresse (1975) Barfly (1987) Kiss of Death (1995) Reversal of Fortune (1990) Single White Female (1992) Murder by Numbers (2002) Elaine Lennon is a film historian and the author of ChinaTowne and Pathways of Desire: Emotional Architecture in the Films of Nancy Meyers. ARTE diffuse More (1969) de Barbet Schroeder lundi 24 aot 22h20, six jours aprs sa ressortie en salles pour accompagner le nouveau film de Schroeder Amnesia, coproduction ARTE France Cinma dcouverte en sance spciale lors du Festival de Cannes. Barbet Schroeder a eu loccasion dans le rcent Amnesia de revenir sur le pass de sa mre allemande qui, par culpabilit visvis de son appartenance nationale, refusa de parler sa propre langue maternelle et ne sadressa jamais lui que dans la langue de son pre, gologue genevois. Elle possde de mme une proprit Ibiza, o couler ses vieux jours. Search results for Barbet Schroeder HD More. A German student, Stefan, who has finished his studies, then decides to have an adventure. After hitchhiking to Paris, he commits crimes to get money. He then meets a freespirited Interview: Barbet Schroeder By Devika Girish on April 18, 2018 For the final installment of his socalled trilogy of evil, which began in 1974 with General Idi Amin Dada, Barbet Schroeder profiles Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathuone of the calmly speaking, saffronrobed leaders of the ongoing genocide against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. Made in the late sixties, Barbet Schroeder s (Barfly) directorial debut is a treatment of pleasure, pain and tragedy that stands apart from numerous counterculture exploitation films. With Academy Award winning cinematographer Nestor Almendros (Days of Heaven), More never resorts to predictable LSDinduced stylistics, but rather atypically.