Use Your Illusion II o quarto lbum de estdio da banda americana de hard rock Guns N Roses, lanado em 17 de setembro de 1991, simultaneamente com Use Your Illusion I. Use Your Illusion II o mais popular dos dois lanamentos. Foi o ltimo com o guitarrista base Izzy Stradlin e tambm o ltimo a contar com alguma participao de Steven Adler. Use Your Illusion II is the fourth studio album by the American hard rock band Guns N' Roses. The album was released on September 17, 1991, the same day as its counterpart album Use Your Illusion I. Album Sales: 7, 000, 000 First Release Date: September 1991 The fourth studio album from Guns N' Roses. It was the second of two albums released in conjunction with the Use Your Illusion Tour, the other being Use Your Illusion I. In fact, in the original vinyl. Use Your Illusion II was a great pressing, the only Geffen record I was happy with on my first shot. I still have yet to receive a quality pressing of UYI I. I will keep trying until I get one. Use Your Illusion I o terceiro lbum de estdio da banda norteamericana de hard rock Guns N' Roses. Este foi um dos dois lbuns lanados em conjunto com a turn Use Your Illusion, sendo o outro lbum intitulado Use Your Illusion II, de modo que algumas vezes eles so tidos como um nico lbum duplo. A Use Your Illusion II a Guns N Roses nev amerikai hard rock zenekar negyedik stdialbuma. A lemezt a Use Your Illusion turn alatt adtk ki, a Use Your Illusion Iel egytt, gyakran dupla albumknt emlegetik a kt alkotst. Az els kiadott kislemez, a You Could Be Mine miatt a Use Your Illusion II sikeresebb lett trsnl, az els hten 770, 000 pldny fogyott, valamint. What Use Your Illusion should have been. Use Your Illusion II was a great pressing, the only Geffen record I was happy with on my first shot. I still have yet to receive a quality pressing of UYI I. I will keep trying until I get one. With Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum. A live concert filmed in Tokyo Dome, Japan on February 22, 1992. Use Your Illusion II il quarto album in studio del gruppo musicale statunitense Guns N' Roses, pubblicato 17 settembre 1991 dalla Geffen Records. Fu il secondo di due dischi pubblicati parallelamente allo Use Your Illusion Tour, insieme ad Use Your Illusion I. Ha venduto 14 milioni di copie ed rimasto in classifica per tre anni. Web descargadownload discografias de MEGA, Rock, Metal, Gothic, Rock Punk, PostHardcore en Rar, Mp3 Online Music Maxima calidad The difficult second album is one of the perennial rock roll clichs, but few second albums ever were as difficult as Use Your Illusion. Not really conceived as a double album but impossible to separate as individual works, Use Your Illusion is a shining example of a suddenly successful band getting it all wrong and letting its ambitions run wild. Use Your Illusion II Guns N' Roses, 1991. Use Your Illusion I 5 502 000, Nielsen SoundScan. Use Your Illusion II, welches minimal erfolgreicher wurde, schaffte es u. in den USA, sterreich und in Grobritannien auf Platz eins der Albumcharts, Use Your Illusion I hingegen schaffte es in den genannten Lndern jeweils nur auf Rang zwei. Check out our album review of Artist's Use Your Illusion I on Rolling Stone. We and our partners use cookies to deliver our services and to show you ads based on your interests. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. Music video by Guns N' Roses performing Live And Let Die. (C) 1991 Guns N' Roses# GunsNRoses# LiveandLetDie# vevo# rockandroll# vevoofficial# live. Use Your Illusion I o terceiro lbum de estdio da banda estadunidense de hard rock Guns N' Roses. Ele foi um dos dois lbuns lanados em conjunto com a turn Use Your Illusion, com o lanamento do Use Your Illusion o Guns N' Roses virou a maior banda dos anos 90. A Use Your Illusion I a Guns N Roses nev amerikai hard rock zenekar harmadik stdialbuma. A lemezt a Use Your Illusion Turn alatt adtk ki, a Use Your Illusion II albummal egytt, amely az els rsz folytatsa volt, gyakran dupla albumknt emlegetik a kt alkotst. Use Your Illusion I was the rocker half of the album, which amounted to maybe a few decent tunes but alot of this just feels fluffy. I guess if you're into radio rock that doesn't matter, but I'm not, so this was a pretty far drop for the band, considering I didn't even like them to begin with. Use Your Illusion II Es el cuarto lbum de estudio de la banda estadounidense de hard rock, Guns N' Roses, caracterizado por ser ms melanclico, reflexivo, triste y oscuro que su antecesor Use Your Illusion I y en efecto el lbum ms deprimente de la banda (por canciones como Breakdown o Estranged), de hecho fue elegido por la crtica como el lbum ms oscuro y reflexivo de. 17 rowsUse Your Illusion I is the 3rd studio album by hard rock band Guns N' Roses. As Guns N' Roses' 'Use Your Illusion' albums turn 25, Rolling Stone revisits the story behind how Axl Rose and Co. Inside Guns N Roses HistoryMaking Use Your Illusion LPs. With Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum. A live concert filmed in Tokyo Dome, Japan on February 22, 1992. We and our partners use cookies to deliver our services and to show you ads based on your interests. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. Use Your Illusion I Use Your Illusion I est le troisime album et le premier de deux disques sortis simultanment la fin 1991 par le groupe de hard rock amricain Guns N' Roses. Le deuxime s'appelle Use Your Illusion II. L'criture de ces albums s'est chelonne sur 2 ans, 1989 et 1990. On peut les considrer comme les deux volets d'un seul et mme album. Use Your Illusion II is the fourth studio album by the American hard rock band Guns N' Roses. The album was released on September 17, 1991, the same day as its counterpart Use Your Illusion I. Guns N' Roses Use Your Illusion II (Full Album) 1991 Guns N Roses Use Your Illusion II part 77 The Full Album PLEASE CHECK OUT MY BAND! Our name Use Your Illusion I Guns N Roses, 1991. Use Your Illusion I il terzo album in studio del gruppo musicale statunitense Guns N' Roses, pubblicato 17 settembre 1991 dalla Geffen Records. Fu il primo di due dischi commercializzati parallelamente allo Use Your Illusion Tour, insieme ad Use Your Illusion II. Negli Stati Uniti fu premiato con 7. Use Your Illusion Album Art Lyrics About Use Your Illusion I This is the first of two albums released in conjunction with the Use Your Illusion Tour, the other being Use Your Illusion II. Use Your Illusion I' Es el tercer lbum de estudio de la banda estadounidense de hard rock, Guns N' Roses y el segundo ms exitoso de la banda despus de su lbum debut Appetite for Destruction, a la fecha el lbum ha vendido alrededor de 30 millones de copias en todo el mundo. El lbum debut en la posicin nmero 1 en las listas del. What Dust N Bones was to Use Your Illusion I, so 14 Years was to Use Your Illusion II the great Izzy Stradlin song that proved he was the rocknroll heart of Guns N Roses. This one was cowritten with Axl, and again, as with Dust N Bones, they sing together in the chorus. Use Your Illusion zestaw dwch albumw grupy rockowej Guns N Roses wydanych w 1991 roku (zob. 1991 w muzyce) tego samego dnia. Na pytach mona znale utwory hardrockowe, jak i ballady rockowe. Okadki stanowi ten sam fragment obrazu Szkoa Ateska, jednak pokolorowany w. Use Your Illusion II is the fourth studio album by the American hard rock band Guns N' Roses. The album was released on September 17, 1991, the same day as its counterpart album Use Your Illusion I. Use Your Illusion II o quarto lbum de estdio da banda americana de hard rock Guns N' Roses, lanado em 17 de setembro de 1991, simultaneamente com Use Your Illusion I. As vendas dos Illusion somaramse 960 mil cpias no primeiro dia, recorde nunca superado por nenhuma banda ou artista solo na histria da msica. Use Your Illusion II est le quatrime album et le deuxime des deux disques sortis simultanment la fin 1991 par le groupe de hard rock amricain Guns N' Roses. Le premier s'appelait Use Your Illusion I. L'criture de ces albums s'est chelonne sur 2 ans, 1989 et 1990. On peut les considrer comme les deux volets d'un seul et mme album. Use Your Illusion I on yhdysvaltalaisen hard rockyhtye Guns N' Rosesin kolmas studioalbumi. Albumin on tuottanut Mike Clink, ja se julkaistiin 17. syyskuuta vuonna 1991 samanaikaisesti yhtyeen neljnnen studioalbumin, Use Your Illusion II: n kanssa. First Release Date: September 1991. The third studio album from Guns N' Roses. It was the first of two albums released in conjunction with the Use Your Illusion Tour, the other being Use Your Illusion II. The two are thus sometimes seen together as a double album. Released in September 1991, Use Your Illusion I was the leading volume of the twoalbum opus that reintroduced Guns N Roses to the world. With the addition of new drummer Matt Sorum and keyboardist Dizzy Reed, the band was more fleshedout and bombastic: the lethal L. club band of Appetite For Destruction morphed into a lethal arena band. Use Your Illusion II is more serious and ambitious than I, but it's also considerably more pretentious. Featuring no less than four songs that run over six minutes, II is heavy on epics, whether it's the charging funk metal of Locomotive, the antiwar Civil War, or the multipart Estranged. Use Your Illusion II on yhdysvaltalaisen rockmusiikkia esittvn Guns N Rosesin neljs studioalbumi. Albumin tuotti Mike Clink, ja se julkaistiin 17. syyskuuta 1991 samanaikaisesti yhtyeen albumin Use Your Illusion I kanssa. Albumi ji Guns N Rosesin viimeiseksi levytykseksi yhtyeen rytmikitaristin ja perustajajsenen Izzy Stradlinin kanssa, sill Stradlin erosi yhtyeest kesken.