9 un film di animazione del 2009 diretto da Shane Acker, basato sull'omonimo cortometraggio del 2005. Il film prodotto da Tim Burton e Timur Bekmambetov. Nonostante il film sia stato realizzato con la grafica computerizzata, ricorda, per l'uso dei pupazzi animati. 9 adalah film fantasilaga animasi Amerika Serikat tahun 2009 yang disutradarai oleh Shane Acker dan diproduksi oleh Tim Burton dan Timur Bekmambetov. Film ini diisisuarakan oleh Elijah Wood, John C. Reilly, Jennifer Connelly, Crispin Glover, Martin Landau dan Christopher Plummer. 9 (2009; animated) Directed by Shane Acker. Orange is the New Black Wiki 9 (2009) In a world destroyed in a war between man and machine, a handstitched doll with the number 9 written on its back that awakens in a postapocalyptic future holds the key to humanity's salvation. Watch trailers, read customer and critic reviews, and buy 9 (2009) directed by Shane Acker for 14. # 9 ist ein USamerikanischer von Shane Acker und aus dem Jahre 2009. Der Film beruht auf dem Oscarnominierten Kurzfilm 9 von Shane Acker. Der Film wurde in Deutschland am 3. Film Description: A new era in animated storytelling begins on. Visionary filmmakers Tim Burton (The Corpse Bride, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory). Critics Consensus: Although its story is perhaps too familiar and less complex than some might wish, 9 is visually spectacular, and director Shane Acker's attention to detail succeeds in drawing. Shane Acker first made 9 (2009) as a ten minute short film while he was still at UCLA. It was nominated for Best Animated Short at the Oscars, and although it didn't win, Acker was offered the chance to expand it into a feature film. Nine Ninth 9 ( Shane Acker) [2009, , , , HDRipAVC: 1, 2. 9 was directed by Shane Acker, a writer, and director. What was the release date of 9: 9 was first released on Monday, November 09, 2009, in the United States. In Shane Acker's visually alluring but hollow animated film 9, the apocalypse has come and gone, leaving a scorched landscape, smoldering ruins and a crew of mechanical beasts in charge. Mankind is no more, and this ought to be troubling, until you consider the usual sort we see saving the world onscreen and realize it's a relief not to have to worry about the plight of yet another plucky. You may enjoy below a clip of Shane Ackers 9 movie, the clip features a group of postapocalyptic ragdolls facing the attack of a hypnotizing baddie: 9 Movie Preview Clip The film should be released on September 9, 2009, yeap thats! The lead voice actors are Elijah Wood, Christopher Plummer, Martin Landau, John C. Shane Acker (born 1971) is an animator, film director, screen writer, and animation teacher. He also created 9 (2009), based on his Academy award short film, 9 (2005). A postapocalyptic nightmare in which all of humanity is threatened. 9 is a 2009 American, computer animated, postapocalyptic, science fiction, dark fantasy directed by Shane Acker, written by Pamela Pettler, and produced by Jim Lemley, Dana Ginsburg, Tim Burton, and Timur Bekmambetov. 116 of 24 results for 9 shane acker Click Try in your search results to watch thousands of movies and TV shows at no additional cost with an Amazon Prime membership. Promotional Book for the Movie 9 Watch movies online free stream: 9 Nine (2009) A rag doll that awakens in a postapocalyptic future holds the key to humanity's salvation. Director: Shane Acker stream movies Nine Ninth 9 ( Shane Acker)[2009, , , , , , BDRip 1080p US is a 2009 animated scifiaction film directed by Shane Acker and produced by Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov, director of Wanted, and stars Elijah Wood, John C. (2009) Filme Abenteuer Action Drama Fantasy Mystery. Schauspieler: Elijah Wood, Jennifer Connelly, Christopher Plummer, Crispin Glover. Die Erde, wie wir sie kennen, existiert in ferner Zukunft nicht mehr. Ein Krieg katastrophalen Ausmaes hat. 9 (2009) A group of small creations was given the spark of life by a scientist in the final days of humanity, and they continue to exist postapocalypse. Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for 9 (2009) Shane Acker on AllMovie Academy Awardnominated for his groundbreaking In 2004, Shane Ackers short film 9 was nominated for an Academy Award. Now, with filmmakers Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov as producers, the movie has been expanded into a fulllength actionpacked animated fantasy. Set in the near future, the worlds machines, powered by an invention known as the Great Machine, turn against mankind and [ September 9, 2009 Print Page. The first images are spellbinding. In closeup, thick fingers make the final stitches in a roughly humanoid little rag doll, and binocular eyes are added. This visionary world was first created as a short subject by Shane Acker, a student at UCLA, and was nominated for a 2006 Oscar. 9 Synopsis 9 is a featurelength expansion of Shane Acker's short film of the same name. The actionpacked tale takes place in a world parallel to our own, in which the very legacy of humanity is. Watch Full movie: 9 (2009), Online Free. A rag doll that awakens in a postapocalyptic future holds the key to humanity's salvation stream movies KPBS film critic Beth Accomando interview Shane Acker and Elijah Wood at ComicCon 2009 about the new animated feature 9. Transcript for audioclip 7658 It's not often that a film finds a perfect. From producer Tim Burton and JK Rowling to the mighty Pixar to the Almighty himself (and beyond if you count James Cameron), higher powers are clearly at work in Shane Acker's dystopian animation. Shane Ackers new featurelength expansion of his Academy Awardnominated short film, 9, features a beleaguered group of sentient ragdolls (officially labeled stitchpunks) struggling to. 9 is a 2005 computer animated short film created by Shane Acker as a student project at the UCLA Animation Workshop. Tim Burton saw the film and was so impressed by its artistic vision that he went on to produce a featurelength adaptation also titled 9. 9 is a 2009 adult stopmotion animated science fiction action adventure movie directed by Shane Acker, and produced by Tim Burton and Timur Bekamambetov. The film stars Elijah Wood, John C. Reilly, Jennifer Connelly, Crispin Glover, Martin Landau, and Christopher Plummer; and it's based on Watch videoDirected by Shane Acker. With Elijah Wood, Jennifer Connelly, Crispin Glover, Christopher Plummer. A rag doll that awakens in a postapocalyptic future holds the key to humanity's salvation. at Jose: Shane Acker is actually hired as in house director at gnomon to produce a short film there. so he WILL be working at gnomon and NOT producing a sequel to 9. jaja on Sep 3, 2009 12 Proof positive that originality doesnt necessarily equal quality, this unusual slice of digitally animated apocalypse throws up some intriguing ideas but ultim Shane Acker was born as Shane Richard Acker. He is known for his work on 9 (2009), 9 (2005) and. Find great deals on eBay for 9 shane acker. The release of director Shane Ackers computeranimated feature film 9. It started life as a short that won best of show at the SIGGRAPH 2005 Electronic Theater and the gold medal for animation in the Student Academy Awards. 2009 animated film by Shane Acker Media in category 9 (2009 film) The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total. Elijah Wood at WonderCon 2009 1. Elijah Wood at WonderCon 2009 2. The release of Shane Ackers 9, an expansion of his compelling Academy Awardnominated short of the same name, adds another to 2009s slate of intelligent, distinctive animated features. Now, Shane Ackers 9 has come along to further the trend of using animated film to explore adult ideas. When i first read about 9, i felt like i should know the director. 9 (no Brasil, 9 A Salvao ) um filme animado estadunidense de fico cientfica e fantasia que estreou em setembro de 2009. O filme dirigido por Shane Acker, produzido por Tim Burton e Timur Bekmambetov, e baseado no filme homnimo produzido por Acker e indicado para Oscar de melhor curta de animao de 2006. [1 O filme produzido em computao grfica, porm, em um. Database of movie trailers, clips and other videos for 9 (2009). Directed by Shane Acker, the film features a cast that includes Christopher Plummer, Martin Landau, Wendy Reid and John C. Con Elijah Wood, Jennifer Connelly, Christopher Plummer, Crispin Glover, Martin Landau..