Stream or Download the new single 'Loyal To Me' now! Watch her official videos and check out Nina's live dates here. On 25 November 2013, Nesbitt announced on her Twitter and Facebook pages that her debut album, Peroxide, would be released on 17 February 2014 in the United Kingdom. Nesbitt did an album signing tour around the UK, starting in Edinburgh, on the day her album was released. Nesbitt did an album signing tour around the UK, starting in Edinburgh, on the day her album was released. Peroxide stormed into the charts at number one in Scotland and 11 in the UK. [16 The lead single from the album, Selfies, was released on 9 February 2014. Peroxide alcanz el puestoo# 11 en UK y el puesto# 1 en su pas natal, Escocia. 2016presente: Modern Love EP y el segundo lbum [ editar Nesbitt anunci el lanzamiento de su nuevo EP, Modern Love, con su nuevo look radical. Nesbitts debut album isnt half as bad as you might suspect. each of whom hover over Peroxide like equal parts clear sky and foreboding cloud. Features Song Lyrics for Nina Nesbitt's Peroxide album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. Get Spotify Open Spotify You look like someone who appreciates good music. Listen to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the Premium trial. Nina Nesbitts talent and backing will hopefully allow her to make a more resonant, pertinent and selfassured record in the future. Mark Carr Peroxide was released on 14 th February 2014, for. Nina Nesbitt wrote many songs before releasing this first album. The deluxe version offers us nothing less than 20 songs from the young Scottish singer. The track Peroxide from Nina Nesbitts debut album Peroxide. Thats what Nina Nesbitts fans call themselves and no doubt they, the Nesbians, will find plenty to enjoy on the Scottish teenagers debut album. Peroxide is the debut album by Scottish singersongwriter Nina Nesbitt. The album features new material and old songs from her past EPs. It was released on 17 February 2014. After the release of the album, Nesbitt will embark on a 3show tour including Manchester, London and her home town of Edinburgh. Nina Nesbitt 'Peroxide The debut album from halfScottish, halfSwedish songwriter Nina Nesbitt is pop so sugary itll rot your teeth. Cutesy keyboards, AOR acoustic guitars and It feels like I've been waiting forever to tell you all this I can now finally announce my debut album, PEROXIDE, is coming out on 17th February. I am so so so excited to release it and have you hear all the songs I've been writing over the past 3 years, thank you for all your support so far, I. In 2014, Nesbitt released her fulllength debut album, Peroxide, which featured songs from her previous EPs as well as new material. The album peaked at number one in Scotland. Two more EPs followed in 2016 with Life in Colour and Modern Love, the latter of which featured the single Chewing Gum. I realized nobody had uploaded this and I was wondering why. Thank you all who collaborated! Please, leave a comment if you think there's anything wrong. Nina Nesbitt est ne le 11 juillet 1994 Balerno, un quartier d'dimbourg, Le 25 novembre 2013, elle annonce sur son compte twitter et sa page Facebook la sortie de son album, Peroxide, le 27 fvrier 2014 en GrandeBretagne. Elle part en tourne le jour de sa sortie, en commenant par la ville d'Edinburgh. Lyrics to Peroxide song by Nina Nesbitt: Youre like a junk email in my inbox You keep coming back, keep coming back Like a constant ringing Nina Nesbitt Peroxide Music Album in zip download. We have many suggestion for Nina Nesbitt Peroxide Music album download. For only One chance for proves our service for Nina Nesbitt Timebom Music download with any disturbance 12 click easily download and you never forget this. According to Nina Peroxide is the least personal song on the album and is used as a metaphor to describe a failed relationship. This describes the relationship that I wrote majority of this. Peroxide is the debut album by Scottish singersongwriter Nina Nesbitt. The album features new material and old songs from her past EPs. It was released on 17 February 2014. Nina Nesbitt lyrics 58 song lyrics sorted by album, including Loyal To Me, The Best You Had, Cry Me A River. Votes are used to help determine the most interesting content on RYM. Vote up content that is ontopic, within the rulesguidelines, and will likely stay relevant longterm. CHART star Nina Nesbitt says goodbye to her teenage years today with a massive birthday bash at T in the Park. The Peroxide singer has turned 20 and plans to spend the weekend at the festival. You look like someone who appreciates good music. Listen to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the Premium trial. Play on Spotify Nina Nesbitt's fulllength debut album, 2014's Peroxide, features the Scottish singersongwriter's melodic, folkinflected pop music. Produced by Nesbitt along with Jake Gosling (Ed Sheeran, One Direction) and Iain Archer (Jake Bugg, Snow Patrol), Peroxide showcases Nesbitt's sweet voice and personal yet universally relatable lyrics, which she. Our new desktop experience was built to be your music destination. Listen to official albums more. Review of Peroxide Album by Nina Nesbitt In an age where pop stars seem intent on shocking and wearing as little as possible, ScottishSwedish songstress Nina Nesbitt is something akin to a breath. Nina Nesbitt's fulllength debut album, 2014's Peroxide, features the Scottish singersongwriter's melodic, folkinflected pop music. Produced by Nesbitt along with Jake Gosling ( Ed Sheeran, One Direction ) and Iain Archer ( Jake Bugg, Snow Patrol ), Peroxide showcases Nesbitt 's sweet voice and personal yet universally relatable lyrics. Peroxide is the debut album by Scottish singersongwriter Nina Nesbitt. The album features new material and old songs from her past EPs. It was released on 17 February 2014. After the release of the album, Nesbitt will embark on a 3show tour including Manchester, London and her home town of Edinburgh. Lyrics to 'Peroxide' by Nina Nesbitt. You're like a junk email in my inbox Keep coming back, keep coming back Like a constant ringing in my ears, oh Keep Digite seu email caso desejar ser notificado quando o download for atualizado. MP3 is a digital audio format without digital rights management (DRM) technology. Because our MP3s have no DRM, you can play it on any device that supports MP3, even on your iPod. A l'chance de la priode d'essai (puis chaque date anniversaire), sans opposition de votre part, votre carte Fnac sera renouvele automatiquement pour 1 an moyennant le prix de l'abonnement annuel. Nina Nesbitt does not follow Lorde on such a creative path. The 19 year old Nina Nesbitt's debut Peroxide is the type of album that sounds like it was made in some lab where songs and lyrics are created with the sole intention of selling records. The production is slick but it is nothing that has not been heard before and done better. Lyrics to '18 Candles' by Nina Nesbitt. Put your pictures in the scrapbook Keep your posters on the wall Save your pennies in your pocket 'Cause the Nina Nesbitt, Peroxide, review. Nina Nesbitt's debut album is filled with snappy pop songs about growing up, first love and heartbreak. Find a Nina Nesbitt Peroxide first pressing or reissue. Complete your Nina Nesbitt collection. Peroxide is the debut album by Scottish singersongwriter Nina Nesbitt. The album features new material and old songs from her past EPs. It was released on 17 February 2014. [12 After the release of the album, Nesbitt will embark on a 3show tour including Manchester, London and her home town of Edinburgh. Find a Nina Nesbitt Peroxide first pressing or reissue. Complete your Nina Nesbitt collection. Peroxide is the debut album by Scottish singersongwriter Nina Nesbitt. The album features new material and old songs from her past EPs. It was released on 17 February 2014. Nina Nesbitt (Edinburgh, 11 juli 1994) is een Schotse singersongwriter. Op 6 juni 2012 tekende ze bij Universal Music, na twee EP's (Live Take en The Apple Tree) te hebben uitgebracht in eigen beheer. In 2014 kwam haar album Peroxide uit. Nesbitt dankt haar bekendheid mede aan Ed Sheeran en Elliot Gleave. Toen Nesbitt in 2011 naar een intiem. Nina Nesbitt's acute observations of teenage life are backed by pretty standardissue pop, but it's all done with confidence and charm, writes Caroline Sullivan It should really be the aim of any singersongwriter to try to carve out an identity on their first fulllength, but Nina Nesbitt appears to emerge Nina Nesbitt wrote many songs before releasing this first album. The deluxe version offers us nothing less than 20 songs from the young Scottish singer. 19 February 2014 Nina Nesbitt heading for her first Number 1 album with Peroxide Nina Nesbitt could be heading for a debut Official Albums Chart Number 1 this Sunday, but could the impact of. The album features new material and old songs from her past EPs. It was released on 17 February 2014. After the release of the album, Nesbitt will embark on a 3show tour including Manchester, London and her home town of Edinburgh. Music playback has been interrupted because your Qobuz account is currently being used on another device [? We remind you that your account is strictly personal and cannot be used on several devices at the same time..