A CES 2017 DTS DUAL PACK DEMO DISC Dual Disc with BluRay and 4K UHD Bluray with HDR This is the latest 2017 Demo Disc packed with Movie Clips and Extrasin high bitrate and look and sound stunning THX Demo Disc Dolby TrueHD DTSHD 1080p BluRay x264 AVC DTSHD MA 7. 1 BluRay DVDR, DOCUMENTARIES, MOVIES, TUTORIALS Add comments This Disc is produced by Lucasfilm Ltd. as an exclusive demo for home THX systems. All materials on the site are provided for informational purposes only. After reading, remove the material and purchase licensed version Our site is dedicated to the new music industry a surround music. Dolby Demo Discs; AVS Forum Demo Discs; DTS Demo Discs; THX Demo Discs; AURO3D Demo Discs; Reelwood Demo Discs; Onkyo Demo Discs; Calibration Discs; AIX Records BLURAYSHOPHD sebuah portal online yang bergerak di bidang penjualan bluray disc dan audiophile CD. Dapatkan koleksi bluray, Bluray 3D dan Audiphile CD terbaru. (Thanks to hdmkv for putting together these links) Kodi users are a demanding bunch when it comes to media players with Kodi having asclosetoperfect video playback capabilities as possible. 23 hours agoDemo Discs: Essential DTS: X Movies. with a street race in Cuba and doesn't let up a single moment with terrific imaging and spacing making it a terrific demo. You will get a notification at the top of the site as soon as the current price equals or falls below your price. You can also optionally receive an email notification (sent only once), this is. New Sealed DTS BluRay Demo 2015 (# 19) Disc in Original Sleeve. If you are looking for a good DTS Demo in blu ray format, 2013 demo disc is better than this and even better than 2015 disc. 1 DTS Demo Disc 12 Bluray, News and Updates No related news posts for DTS Demo Disc 12 Bluray yet. Se hvad der er p DTS demo disc. 26 rowsTommy December 29, 2017 at 1: 25 AM. DTS X Object Emulator in 4k 2017 vol21 dts. Le CES de Las Vegas venant (presque) tout juste de se terminer, quelques petits malins sont en effet parvenus se procurer lobjet de tous les cultes: le tout dernier disque de. Dolby Atmos DTS HD AVS Reelwood BluRay Demo Disc. Excellent tool to demonstrate your home theater's sound system. High quality DTS demonstration Bluray disc. For testing and demonstrating your surround system. Includes more than 2 hours of great sounding pop, rock, indie, jazz, dance amp; classical music. Burning the Dual Layer BDR for this title, takes (( 1Hour 10Mins in total )) at the speed of 2x. so in one day, which is 24Hours, only 22 Discs can be burned. T he latest DTS Demo Disc from the CES Show in Vegas this year called 2017 DTS Demo Disc Vol. Now the first time a 2Disc Set with an UHD and an Bluray Disc. Both Discs contains a lot of various contents in Music and Movies. Also you can find a lot of DTS Trailers on that Discs too. 2 SAMSUNG Region Free HT 4500 5. 1Channel Smart Bluray Home Theater System Multi Zone All Region Blu Ray Disc DVD Player PALNTSC USB 6 Feet Multi System HDMI Cable HTC This feature is not available right now. DTS hatte diesmal wieder einen Stand im frei zugnglichen Messebereich und prsentierte seine Produkte nicht nur in einer Suite, zu der nur geladene Gste Zutritt hatten. Genuine DTS Demo disc from DTS released in 2017. Very limited quantity went out to public. The disc is regionfree which will play in any Blu Ray disc players around the world. The cookie settings on this website are set to allow cookies to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click Accept below then you are consenting to this. (DTS Music Demo and SetUP) DTS Music Demo and SetUp Disc 1996, DTS, lossless 481. 5 MB THX DTS AC3 Demo DVD Audio Phim HD, Bluray, Thuyt minh, Lng ting, Ph Vit vi Review phim DTS demo trailers HD for download in DTS ES, DTSHD MA and DTS: X, presented in vob, mkv and m2ts files. List of all videos with the Laser Disc format (yes, those optical discs that preceded the CD that were the size of a vinyl disc). Differences between DTS, Dolby Digital and other formats. dts dtsdts xbd4k uhd21dts bd25 bluray 4k Previous Article DTS Bluray Music Demo Disc 14 (2015) Bluray 1080ip AVC DTSHD MA. 1 Next Article Tsai Chin Golden Voice Concert Hall Series Bluray 1080i AVC DTSTTG. The cookie settings on this website are set to allow cookies to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click Accept below then you are consenting to this. Alles rund um Auro3D, Dolby Atmos und DTS: X. Rechtliche Hinweise Alle Angaben ohne Gewhr. AffiliateLinks sind mit Anzeige beziehungsweise den Symbolen und gekennzeichnet. Preisangaben stammen vom jeweiligen Hndlern; ein Vertragsschluss zum genannten Preis wird nicht garantiert. Next, I took a peek at the DTS: X 2016 demo disc (a big thank you to Jordan and the DTS: X team for getting this disc to me quickly! Firing up the DTS 2016 demo disc, quickly shows that DTS: X can drive it. Managed to get hold of the disc image from a sharing site. If I have the time, I will share it here. (other members are doing their part to share and I'm very happy to see that. DTS Demonstratio n Disc 18 [2014, Demo, BluRay Disc, 1080p BD3D: 1, 3D, , TV 3D. Previous Article Lowell Lo Beyond Imagination Music Live (2015) Bluray AVC LPCM 2. DTS, the Symbol, and DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks of DTS, Inc. All other trademarks remain the. I am now impatiently waiting to get my hands on the 2016 dts demo disc# 20 too. The best part of these discs is the simplicity when you wanna show off your system to friends or family and can do so with a variety of content and without having to search out specific scenes of. 51 GB (DTS Music Demo and SetUP) DTS Music Demo and SetUp Disc 1996, DTS, lossless 481. 5 MB DTS Technology DTS Music Demo and SetUp Disc (1996) [DTSTest CD 481 MB DTS Demonstration Disc 18 [2014, Demo, BluRay Disc, 1080p BD3D Dts Demo Disc Software MediaSanta DTS Converter v. 0 MediaSanta DTS Converter is a convert DTS to other media formats including DTS to 3GP, DTS to AVI, DTS to FLV, DTS to iPod, DTS to MKV, DTS to MOV, DTS to WMV, DTS to OGG, DTS to MKV, DTS to RM10, DTS to RM20, DTS to SWF, DTS to WMV, DTS to M1V, DTS to M2V, DTS to. Sorry it took so long It's got a few atmos and X tracks, it starts with cinemascope footage and switches to 16: 9 after the first dts: X track [ to get DTS hat zur CES eine neue DemoDisc herausgebracht. Volume 22 ist eine Ultra HD Bluray, die neben Filmausschnitten und Musiktitel noch Erklrvideo bietet. Whrend Dolby nach eigenen Angaben auf der diesjhrigen CES keine neue DemoDisc prsentiert, hat Konkurrent DTS eine neue Scheibe nach Las Vegas mitgebracht. I know this is probably going to sound a bit geeky, but I really want to get hold of a demo file that will really show off my system. Does anyone know where I can leagally download a demo file of something like the THX trailer in HD 1080 with HDDTS sound. Make sure your using Dolby Atmos or DTS X, How to setup a blu ray player for surround sound Duration: 20: 01. Tactical Audio Video 13, 291 views DTSHD Master Audio DTSHD Master Audio, previously known as DTS, is the second of two DTSHD audio formats. It supports a virtually unlimited number of surround sound channels, can deliver audio quality at bit rates extending from lossless (24bit, 192 kHz) down to DTS Digital Surround and, like Neo, downmix to 5. 20 [2016, Demo, Bluray disc, 1080p (1080p) tv 5 hours monova. 20 2016 Other 14 hours seedpeer. 20 2016 Other Misc 18 hours btdb. It really is nice a demo disc in DTS, but why does one show the podrace in DTS when you can't buy the movie in DTS! It's a bit weird having a demo and not having the real product in. 13 results for dts demo disc Save dts demo disc to get email alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow dts demo disc to stop getting updates on your eBay feed. I was wondering how I can get the video trailers included on the September 2015 Dolby Atmos demo disk. if you want dolby atmos effect you need an bluray player which support upto 7. 1ch through hdmi port and bluray disc which contains DTS HDMA (5. DTS Bluray Demonstration Disc 15!.