Code named 'The November Man Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) is a lethal and highly trained exCIA agent, who has been enjoying a quiet life in Switzerland. When Devereaux is lured out of. The November Man is een Amerikaanse film uit 2014 onder regie van Roger Donaldson. De film is gebaseerd op de roman There Are No Spies van Bill Granger. Verhaal An exCIA operative is brought back in on a very personal mission and finds himself pitted against his former pupil in a deadly game involving high level CIA. Before I tear into The November Man, I offer the following positive notices: 1) Pierce Brosnan is a more convincing action star at age 61 than Moore (57 in A View to a Kill) and Connery (52 in. The November Man 2 ein Film mit Pierce Brosnan. Inhaltsangabe: Fortsetzung zu The November Man mit Pierce Brosnan. An exCIA operative is brought back in on a very personal mission and finds himself pitted against his former pupil in a deadly game involving high level CIA officials and the Russian presidentelect. Code named The November Man; Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) is an extremely dangerous and highly trained exCIA agent, who is lured out of quiet retirement on a very personal mission. He must protect valuable witness, Alice Fournier, (Olga Kurylenko) who. Data de lanamento 6 de novembro de 2014 November Man Um Espio Nunca Morre Trailer Legendado um filme to parecido como esse November Man. Mesmo no tentado unir um personagem ao. The November Man un film del 2014 diretto da Roger Donaldson, con protagonisti Pierce Brosnan, Olga Kurylenko e Luke Bracey. Si tratta di uno spy thriller ispirato al romanzo There Are No Spies di Bill Granger, settimo libro della serie November Man, pubblicato nel 1987. The November Man 2014 720p BluRay. The November Man ein Film von Roger Donaldson mit Pierce Brosnan, Olga Kurylenko. Inhaltsangabe: TopAgent Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan), CodeName November Man, hat. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you. Rent The November Man (2014) starring Pierce Brosnan and Luke Bracey on DVD and Bluray. Get unlimited DVD Movies TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you. Movie: The November Man (2014) info with movie soundtracks, credited songs, film score albums, reviews, news, and more. Code named The November Man; Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) is an extremely dangerous and highly trained exCIA agent, who is lured out of quiet retirement on a very personal mission. The November Man (La conspiracin de noviembre en Espaa, El aprendiz en Hispanoamrica) es una pelcula del 2014 basada en la novela de Bill Granger There Are No Spies. Es protagonizada por Pierce Brosnan, Luke Bracey, y Olga Kurylenko, con el guion escrito por Michael Finch y Karl Gajdusek. La pelcula es dirigida por Roger Donaldson, que anteriormente haba trabajado con Brosnan en. The November Man in US theaters August 27, 2014 starring Pierce Brosnan, Olga Kurylenko, Luke Bracey, Eliza Taylor. The film will follow a sleeping agent (Pierce Brosnan) who is called out of retirement thanks to a government conspiracy. Such is the plot of Roger Donaldsons stale, uninspired, wornout espionage tale. Although in fairness, The November Man is an example of a movie that belongs much more to its star than. Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: The November Man Official Trailer# 1 (2014) Pierce Brosnan Movie HD An exCIA operative is brought back in on a very p November Man soundtrack from 2014, composed by Marco Beltrami. Released by Varese Sarabande in 2014 (302 067 295 8 VSD7295) containing music from The November Man (2014). The November Man Un film di Roger Donaldson. BrosnanKurylenko in un action thriller. Con Pierce Brosnan, Olga Kurylenko, Luke Bracey, Bill Smitrovich. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. The November Man Pierce Brosnan mimt in dem Thriller The November Man wieder einen Geheimagenten, der in der Schweiz seinen Ruhestand genieen will. November Man is a movie that to be released on. Free full movie can be enjoyed in HD without any surveys or download in the most secure and safe way instantly on your computer, XBOX, PS3 or Smart Phone. Please, click Play button below. THE NOVEMBER MAN follows an exCIA agent as he teams up with a refugee case worker to expose a conspiracy involving a Russian politician's past involvement in war crimes. Language There is frequent use of strong language ('fk'), including in a sexualised context. Violence There are frequent scenes. The November Man, scheda del film di Roger Donaldson con Pierce Brosnan e Olga Kurylenko, leggi la trama e la recensione, guarda il trailer, scopri la data di uscita del film al cinema Watch the The November Man Trailer (2014). When the past lures Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) out of retirement, the exCIA agent finds The November Man also fails to earn the power it summons whenever it shows us scenes of people threatened with torture, or bloodily maimed, or raped. At first you may think it's a movie set in a sexist world, but soon enough you figure out that the film itself is sexist. The November Man turned out to be an enjoyable spin with the former 007Pierce Brosnan. It didn't garner much enthusiasm from critics and some viewers, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. No, it wasn't deep or 'brandnew' and no spiraling intensity ratcheting up the anticipation, however, I didn't expect that. The November Man est un film ralis par Roger Donaldson avec Pierce Brosnan, Olga Kurylenko. Synopsis: Il n'y a pas pire ennemi que celui que l'on a form. Peter Deveraux est un exagent de. The November Man (deutsch Der NovemberMann) ist ein USamerikanischer SpionageThriller aus dem Jahr 2014. Er basiert auf dem Roman There Are No Spies (auf Deutsch als Der NovemberMann erschienen) von Bill Granger. Der regulre USKinostart fand am 28. Ive got to admit, I didnt think The November Man was anything special. Sure, its based on some popular source material, but the film is getting a late August release and the trailer is a. The November Man 01: 23 Code named The November Man, Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) is a lethal and highly trained exCIA agent, who has been enjoying a quiet life in Swi (more) The Verdict. Pierce Brosnan's The November Man is a bythebooks espionage thriller that puts the former 007 back in the spy saddle with mixed results. On the one hand, Brosnan nails it. So, The November Man is a good spy actionthriller movie, with a decent story packed with twists and turns, along with enticing characters, but what sold this movie for me was it's action sequences, that were done (for the most part) practically. Jika sobat ingin mengetahui lebih jelas dan lengkap, silahkan langsung saja dilihat dan dibaca informasi movie 2014 terbaru tentang Detail Pemain Review Sinopsis. Te llambamos thenovemberman porque por donde pasabas no dejabas rastro. Hace tiempo que Pierce Brosnan ya no deja rastro ni arrasa ni deja huella como espa pero sigue manteniendo el tipo con estilo, decoro y la elegancia que siempre le caracteriz en su etiqueta de James Bond. Handlung von The November Man Der alternde CIAAgent Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) kommt fr eine letzte Mission aus dem ruhigen Exil. Es gilt, einen Kontakt aus Russland zu schleusen, der. The November Man (2014) online subtitrat. Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) este un agent letal si foarte bine pregtit al CIA, care sa bucurat de o via linistit n Elvetia. The November Man is a 2014 BritishAmerican action spy thriller film based on the novel There Are No Spies by Bill Granger, which is canonically the seventh installment in The November Man novel series, published in 1987. Regardez la bande annonce du film The November Man (The November Man Bandeannonce VO). : Bande annonce Star Wars 7, Trailer Batman V Superman, les films du. The November Man Official Teaser Trailer# 1 starring Pierce Brosnan, Luke Bracey, Olga Kurylenko and directed by Roger Donaldson. An exCIA operative is brought back in on a very personal mission and finds himself pitted against his former pupil in a deadly game involving high level CIA officials and the Russian presidentelect. Release Date: 27 August 2014 Director: Roger Donaldson Cast. The November Man Official Teaser Trailer# 1 (2014) Pierce Brosnan Movie HD Code named 'The November Man Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) is an extremely dangerous and highly trained exCIA agent. The November Man series is the ultimate cat and mouse game set in the. operative is brought back in on a very personal mission and finds himself pitted against his former pupil in a deadly game involving high level C. officials and the Russian Presidentelect. Avec: Pierce Brosnan, Olga Kurylenko, Luke Bracey, Eliza Taylor, Lazar Ristovski, Bill Smitrovich, Caterina Scorsone, Will Patton. Jim Pedd, 'The November Man' krijgt vervolg. Pierce Brosnan is een bikkel in nieuwe trailer 'The November Man' JanPeter Rook, . MovieMazzter ( ) Vind deze film toch een gemiste kans. ben het met bovenstaande kritiek eens dat het nogal wat verwarrende en onlogische. Scheda film The November Man (2014) Leggi la recensione, trama, cast completo, critica e guarda trailer, foto, immagini, poster e locandina del film diretto da Roger Donaldson con Pierce Brosnan, Luke Bracey, Olga Kurylenko, Will Patton.