Cet article prsente la quatrime saison de la srie tlvise amricaine de fantasy pique Game of Thrones diffuse pour la premire fois du 6 avril au 15 juin 2014 sur HBO, le dimanche 21 h. The Game of Thrones television series is an adaptation of the Song of Ice and Fire novels but will deviate from them in some areas. In addition this wiki is meant for the enjoyment of watchers of the television series who do not have any knowledge of the books. Game of Thrones Saison 4 Episode 1 VF. Titre: Deux pes Tyrion accueille un invit Kings Landing. Arya se heurte un vieil ennemi. Qualit standard ( 480p ) Haute qualit ( 720p ) pisodes de la Saison 4. Image Diffusion Scnariste(s) Ralisateur(s)# 6 avril 2014. Game of Thrones: 4 Temporada (2014) Bluray 1080p 720p Dublado Torrent Download The Pirate Filmes HD 1080p, 2014, 720p, Ao, Drama, Guerra, Historia, Sries Compartilhar Season 4 of Game of Thrones was released on DVD and BluRay in the United States on February 17th, 2015. The set includes all ten episodes of the season and a number of extra features. Features on the DVD release include. Game Of Thrones 4 1 1 Game Of Thrones Game Of Thr. Everyone meets in King's Landing to discuss the fate of the realm. In Winterfell, Sansa confronts Arya. Sam reaches Winterfell, where he and Bran discover a shocking secret about Jon Snow. Enter the world of Game of Thrones with official maps of the Seven Kingdoms and interactive family trees that capture the rich backgrounds of the characters and locations featured in the HBO series. Explore interactive family trees, the map of# Westeros and. Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. The series is based on the A Song of Ice and Fire novels by author George R. Game of Thrones Wiki ist eine Datenbank, die von jedem bearbeitet werden kann. Sie behandelt die auf den Bchern von George R. Martin basierende Fernsehserie Game of Thrones von HBO, in Deutschland ausgestrahlt von TNT Serie. Hier findest du alle Infos rund um den Kontinent Westeros, die Huser und Charaktere wie Eddard Stark, Tyrion Lannister oder Jon Schnee. f you are not watching game of thrones seasons, you are missing out on the most amazing film experience ever better than anything you've seen in theaters. This series is a work of love, and it shows in the quality of acting, shot locations, studio sets, and writing. Game of Thrones recap: season six, episode four The Book of the Stranger Some brilliant, epic and shocking moments this week and it looks like its about to kick off all over Westeros. Index of DataSerialGame of ThronesS4 There You Go. If youre asking where you can legitimately purchase and obtain a digital copy of the material in question, they are available through iTunes, Google Play, HBO Go, Hulu, and Amazon Digital. An unaired episode of Game of Thrones has emerged online this morning. Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 due to be aired on Sunday, appeared initially on filesharing websites and a Reddit article. Episode Recap Game of Thrones on TV. Watch Game of Thrones episodes, get episode information, recaps and more. 02 mil Besides having an awesomely, awesome theme song that gets you pumped for every episode, the intense amount of intrigue, political drama, love stories, and mysticism in Game of Thrones make for a very interesting and captivating television drama. Watch Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 1: Two Swords online. SideReel features links to all your favorite TV shows. Game of Thrones is an HBO adaptation of American author George R. Martin's epic fantasy novel series published by HarperCollins, A Song of Ice and Fire. The show explores a medievallike fantasy. Descriere: Game of Thrones Urzeala Tronurilor Online 7 familii nobiliare lupta pentru controlul politic si militar al miticului tinut Westeros. Check out episodes of Game of Thrones by season. Don't miss any episodes, set your DVR to record Game of Thrones George R. Martin's bestselling book series A Song of Ice and Fire is brought to the screen as HBO sinks its considerable storytelling teeth into the medieval fantasy epic. Select Season 4 on the official Game of Thrones guide to find more interviews, videos and images. Subscribe to the Game of Thrones YouTube: Game of Thrones Season 4 premieres April 6 at 9PM, only on HBO. Connect with Game of Thrones Watch videoGame of Thrones has a ton of potential to be one of the greatest series that has ever been produced. I would highly recommend it to fans of the series and newcomers alike. UPDATE: I have now watched 3 Episodes and I wanted to come back and report some more. Even after 3 Episodes, the series is staying true to the written story. Critics Consensus: Its intricate storytelling and dark themes may overwhelm some viewers, but Game of Thrones is a transportive, wellacted, smartly written drama even nongenre fans can appreciate. Game of Thrones Staffel 4 Die fiktive Welt von Westeros, in der Jahreszeiten sich ber Jahre hinziehen: Sieben Knigreiche bevlkern den Kontinent, stndig gibt es Kriege, Machtkmpfe in den einzelnen Knigshusern, Morde und Intrigen. Game of Thrones garnered the most of any HBO series with nine total wins, including Outstanding Drama Series. The show stands as the most Emmywinning series ever, with a record 47 total awards. The show stands as the most Emmywinning series ever, with a record 47 total awards. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alternatively, find out whats trending across all of Reddit on rpopular. Discover share this Game of Thrones GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs. The Long Night is here, everyone. Game of Thrones Season 7 bowed out. Game of Thrones saison4 episode 2 streaming vostfr A PortRal, Tyrion assiste son frre Jaime pendant que le roi Joffrey et Margaery organisent un petit djeuner. A Peyredragon, Stannis Baratheon ne tolre plus l'insoumission de Davos. Avec Game of Thrones S4: Compagnon TV officiel pour Android, faites mieux que de regarder la saison 4 de Game of Thrones, participezy et rejoignez la communaut. Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres 7. Game of Thrones Season 7 The mostwatched series in HBO history and a worldwide TV phenomenon, Game of Thrones remains a transcendent hit for the network. With seven episodes premiering this summer, Season 7 will focus on a convergence of armies and attitudes that the shows legions of fans have been anticipating for years. Regarder Game of Thrones saison 4, pisode 5 en langue VF et VOSTFR sur differents lecteur tel que ( Openload, Youwatch. etc) Episode Prcdent Saison 1 Saison 2 Saison 3. If Game of Thrones Season 5 is Over: Whats Next? Things Start to Escalate in Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 8 George R. Martin on Sansas Twist in Game of Thrones Season 5 Get Our Newsletter. Season 4 Season 4 Watch Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 10. The most exciting season finale begins with Jon making his way to Mance. La saison 8, qui sera la dernire saison de Game Of Thrones, devrait tre diffuse partir davril 2019. Si lon en croit les annonces effectues ce jour, elle comportera 6 pisodes. Si lon en croit les annonces effectues ce jour, elle comportera 6 pisodes. Game of Thrones is the everyday story of psychopathic folk living in tribes in city states untroubled by anything post about 1200 AD except clothing (when worn) which appears to waver in origin from century to century up to about TudorStuart times with a nod to Ancient Egypt on the way and except social attitudes (Dark Agesish? ) Game of Thrones 1080p Game of Thrones 2545 Game of Thrones 1080p Game of Thrones 1080p. Game Of Thrones Season 4 (2014) Summary. Season 4 of Game of Thrones was formally commissioned by HBO on 2 April 2013, following a substantial increase in audience figures between the second and third seasons. Whether its walking the red carpet with your favourite stars, hanging out backstage at the hottest gigs in town or signed merchandise, purehmv guarantees you access to a whole host of exclusive offers and surprises. Game of Thrones saison 4 en streaming vf Il y a trs longtemps, une poque oublie, une force a dtruit l'quilibre des saisons. Dans un pays o l't peut durer plusieurs annes et l'hiver toute une vie, des forces sinistres et surnaturelles se pressent aux portes du Royaume des Sept Couronnes. Game of Thrones is currently available to watch and stream on HBO. You can also buy, rent Game of Thrones on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, HBO GO, HBO NOW, Vudu, Sling, FandangoNow, Google Play, iTunes online. Game of Thrones quickly finds that rare alchemy of action, motivation and explanation, proving, once again, that the epic mythology remains the Holy Grail of almost any medium. Warning: Spoilers for all of Game of Thrones: Season 4. While Season 3's The Red Wedding will undoubtedly be nearimmposible to top as far as viewer reaction shock and awe (it..