Find industry contacts talent representation. Access indevelopment titles not available on IMDb. Get the latest news from leading industry trades , , Blas Boys Club (Duke Dumont) 27 1982. fm Duke Dumont I Got U (2014) [320kbs iPleer. Sat, 12 May 2018 Groovin' The Moo 2018: Bunbury at Hay Park, Bunbury Perth, Australia Duke Dumont. 397, 160 likes 601 talking about this. Duke Dumont, (Adam Dyment) is one of the most original and exciting dance music producers of recent times. His releases just go from strength to strength. His remix of The Deacon on Made to Play records is an absolute time bomb dance floor destroyer that just builds and builds in a way that puts most producers to shame. Remy Cayuela a imagin pour illustrer le clip I Got U de Duke Dumont un jeune homme avide de nouvelles aventures depuis chez lui, uti Duke Dumont, a longserving DJproducer, wellliked in clubbing circles but with little crossover appeal, got in the studio with MNEK, a teenage songwriter for hire. Duke Dumont For Club Play Only Pt. 3, released 15 September 2014 1. Drumapella Duke Dumont (DukeDumont) @ Twitter. com Duke Dumont: , Blase Boys Club. We and our partners use cookies to deliver our services and to show you ads based on your interests. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. Duke Dumont played a show I went to in 2013 and was probably my favorite DJ of the night. There were a couple others, but I'd had a long day of partying and listening to. Duke Dumont I Got U (Summertime Ball 2014) by Capital FM. Play next; Play now; Duke Dumont I Got U (Official Video) ft. Play next; Play now; Duke Dumont I got you Best Thailand trip mix shot with GoPro Hero 4 Silver. 2014 Adam Dyment, under exclusive licence to Virgin EMI, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited Also Available in iTunes About Duke Dumont 2014 The Drop (Duke Dumonts Move Like A Bullet Train Remix) LA Riots The Drop (Duke Dumonts Thudding Like Elmer Remix) LA Riots Dollar Sign 2011 Gucci Mane: Two Doors Down Mystery Jets: Elephant Castle Yes Wizard Partys Over Los Angeles Duke Dumont ( 27. August 1982 in London; brgerlich Adam Dyment) ist ein britischer DJ und Musikproduzent des Deep House, Techno und UK Garage Preview, buy and download highquality music downloads of I Got U by Duke Dumont from 7digital United Kingdom We have over 30 million high quality tracks in our store. Duke Dumont has made a name for himself back to back# 1 hits, consecutive Grammy nominations, 200M video views, Top 40 radio all without an official studio album. Duke Dumont, artiestennaam van Adam George Dyment (27 augustus 1982) is een Brits livedj. Duke Dumont werd in 2013 bekend met de single Need U (100 ). De opvolger van deze single I Got U scoorde nog beter en behaalde platina in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Hij is eigenaar van zijn eigen label Blas Boys Club en gebruikt deze naam tevens als alias bij het produceren van nummers. E Need U (100) (WBBL Remix) FREE DOWNLOAD by WBBL from desktop or your mobile device Adam George Dyment (nacido el 27 de agosto de 1982), ms conocido por su nombre artstico Duke Dumont, es un DJ y productor britnico de msica house. Es conocido por el sencillo Need U (100), En septiembre de 2014. New Album Releases download full albums, daily updates. In August 2014, Duke Dumont released Won't Look Back, which reached number two on the UK Singles Chart. In February 2015, I Got U, was nominated for Best Dance Recording at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards. Sign me up for Universal Recommends. updates about new artists, exclusive promotions new music similar to Duke Dumont. Sign me up for updates from carefully selected UMG Partners and Third Parties that may be of interest to me. I'm in a hotel room somewhere in east London. It's nicer than my house, but that's true of most of the hotels I stay in. Get the Duke Dumont Setlist of the concert at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland on April 4, 2014 and other Duke Dumont Setlists for free on setlist. M 6 dhjetor t vitit 2013 Annie Mac shfaq premiern kgn zyrtare t Duke Dumont t titulluar 'I Got U' t shfaqur nga Jax Jones. Titulli i tij u lirua si i titulli i dyt nga albumi i tij i ardhshm debutues n vitin 2014. In 2014 the# 55 song in the charts was I Got U by Duke Dumont. Watch the music video and discover trivia about this classic Pop song now. Duke Dumont 'I Got U' (March 2014) The 'Need U (100)' DJ returned in March with yet ANOTHER hit that was impossible not to dance along to. Az I Got U cm dal a brit producer Duke Dumont s Jax Jones kzs dala. A kislemez Dumont 2014 mrcius 16n megjelent debtl EP1 cm stdi albumnak msodik dala. A dal az angol kislemezlistra is felkerlt, mely szakAmerikban is megjelent. Listen to Duke Dumont's top songs like I Got U, Need U (100), The Giver, download songs for free, browse upcoming concerts and discover similar DJs on EDM Hunters. Music video by Duke Dumont performing Won't Look Back. (C) 2014 Blas Boys Club Virgin EMI Records, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited# DukeDumont# WontLookBack# Vevo# House. Duke Dumont Part of the British wave of charttopping dance acts that also includes Disclosure, this producer is enjoying worldwide success with his popfriendly take on classic house. Duke Dumont is a master composer of house techno, and an underground hero in the British club scene. His Need U (100) was nominated for Best Dance Recording at the Grammy Awards, but lost out to Anton Zaslavski, better known by his stage name, Zedd. Duke Dumont at The Surfcomber Photography by Rodrigo Gaya on April 17th, 2014 in Lifestyle, Music Miami Beach, FL April 13, 2014 Space Tapes, Red Rabbit, and Slap Tickle kicked off the Summer Daze Pool Party series at the Surfcomber with Duke Dumont for the perfect Sunday funday. Duke Dumont's INCREDIBLE set made sure 80, 000 fans at the Capital Summertime Ball 2014 had a VERY good reason to show off their best moves. A heist happens in LA, the setup and scenario are so familiar. We know the trope, we know this can end one of two ways. In a challenge to the classic Hollywood clichs, you're taken on a wild chase like you've never seen. Adam George Dyment (born 27 August 1982), better known by his stage name Duke Dumont, is a British musician, songwriter, DJ and record producer. Duke Dumont DJ set from Ushuaia in Ibiza for BBC Radio 1 Click here for more. Dance; Jan 1, 2014 2014 Adam Dyment under exclusive licence to Virgin EMI, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited View on Apple Music. Also Available in iTunes About Duke Dumont. Adam Dyment, aka Duke Dumont, surfaced in 2006 with a buzzing, whipcracking remix of Mekon's Yes Yes Y'All. Duke Dumont; Informao geral Nascimento 27 de agosto de 1982 Em 2014, Need U (100) foi nomeado para Best Dance Recording para o 56 Grammy Awards. Ttulo Detalhes do lbum Regality EP: Lanamento: 18 de julho de 2007 [3 Gravadora: Turbo; Formato: Descarga digital; The Dominion Dubs EP. Listen toDuke Dumont on Deezer. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 53 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. EP1 is an extended play by British DJ and record producer Duke Dumont. It was released in the US and Canada on 16 September 2014..