Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm Episode's List. Episode 7 Episode 6 Assista todos os episdios online de Touhou Gensou Mangekyou em tima qualidade em nosso site. Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm Description: Plot Summary: Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spring. She goes off to investigate and soon arrives in the netherworld, facing the youkai behind the strange incident. Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm is an anime that falls into the main genre of Action. Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm is an anime that falls into the main genre of Action. Index A freely organisable overview on all anime listed on aniSearch. Episode 2 of Touhou The Memories of Phantasm link to episode 3. Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spring. She goes off to investigate and soon arrives in the netherworld, facing the. Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm Episode 11 watch series anime online for free. Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spring. Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm Episode 1 English Subbed at gogoanime Touhou Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm, Touhou Mangekyou Memories of Phantasm Description: Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is. Read more about this topic on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: ) Touhou The Memories of Phantasm 13 () Touhou The Memories of Phantasm Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm: Es ist schon lange Frhling, doch noch immer schneit es in Gensokyo. Marisa vermutet, dass dies das ble Werk eines Youkai ist. Doch da Reimu keine Anstalten macht, irgendetwas dagegen zu unternehmen, zieht Marisa alleine los um das Problem zu lsen. Fantasy Kaleidoscope The Memories of Phantasm (The Memories of Phantasm, Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm) is a fanmade animated video series produced by Manpuku Jinja. The first episode, Fantasy Kaleidoscope The Spring Snow Incident (, Gensou Mangekyou Shunsetsu Ihen no Shou), was released at Comiket 80 on. , Touhou, Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm. A fanmade animated video series produced by (Fantasy kaleidoscope) The second episode The Red Mist Sorti lors du Comic Market 80 par le cercle Manpuku Jinja, dont les dessins ont t raliss par Lunamoon, ce doujin anime s'inspire du 7me jeu de la saga de jeu Touhou Project, cre par ZUN qui a autoris sa diffusion. The residents of Gensokyo begin to suspect that something is wrong with the moon, and that, the night does not seem to end. Marisa and Alice go out to find the culprit for this imperishable night. [1 1 OVA Touhou Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm OVA. Damit deine Meldung angenommen wird, musst du einen Grund angeben. Gib dies bitte in das folgende Textfeld ein. Beispiel: Ton und Bild nicht synchron. Trama: Marisa, un'ordinaria maga, sospetta che ci siano gli youkai dietro il meteo invernale nel bel mezzo della primavera. Va ad investigare e presto arriva. Assista todos os episdios online de Touhou Gensou Mangekyou em tima qualidade em nosso site. Assista todos os episdios online de Touhou Gensou Mangekyou em tima qualidade em nosso site. Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories Of Phantasm. Genero: Ao, Aventura, Jogos, Magia. Autor: Shanghai Alice Gengakudan. Bitte deaktiviere Deinen AdBlocker auf Randaris damit wir auch weiterhin in der Lage sind diese Webseite zu betreiben. D'aprs quelques infos trouver sur un forum de fans franais de Touhou, le cercle n'aurait pas les moyens ni le temps de produire d'autres gros OAV pour la suite des memories of phantasm. Donc ce jour, nous avons le droit 4 PV et une full version. Review of: Touhou Project (Memories of Phantasm) Memories of Phantasm is an unbelievably high quality anime for being a doujin project. At the time I am writing this, I have seen four episodes. Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spring. She goes off to investigate and soon arrives in the netherworld, facing the. Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm. Info Based on Team Shanghai Alice's Touhou Project. Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spring. She goes off to investigate and soon arrives in the netherworld, facing the youkai behind the strange incident. AnimeRush The anime site to watch subbed anime series and dubbed anime series online in HD for free. Watch english subbed and dubbed anime episodes, movies. In the Gensou Mangekyou series of doujin Touhou anime, there are 3 released. This one follows the events of the game Perfect Cherry Blossom, and the second. Kaleidoscope of Illusions, Kalejdoskop Iluzji, Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm, , Based on Team Shanghai Alice's Touhou Project. Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the. [VCBStudio Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm 10bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [EP0107 After simple fixes of bandings and aliasing etc. , the picture quality of Touhou series is decent. It's a pity that there's no charactor voice. Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm Episode 1 Series: Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm Sub DO NOT post any Spoilers! Only talk about what you thought or felt about the series and if you would recommend it or not. (The Memories of Phantasm: Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm) online. Touhou Gensou Mangekyou The Memories Of Phantasm Touhou Gensou Mangekyou The Memories Of Phantasm [Bluray Th loi: Hi Hc, Gi Tng, B n Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm. All about the anime: trailers, photos, screenshots, screencaps, wallpapers, comments, anime rating Based on Team Shanghai Alices Touhou Project. Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the. There are original sound without voices and niconico JP fandub. Thanks to hunger for providing DVD. For assistance, check in with our Discord server or IRC channel. Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm From Touhou Wiki. Redirect to: Fantasy Kaleidoscope The Memories of Phantasm Touhou Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm Touhou Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm TITRE ORIGINAL: 26 commentaires sur Touhou Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm Mme Perverse dit: 10 octobre 2016 2 h 34 min. Ah C'est en franais je passe mon chemin. Torrent name [UCCUSS Touhou Gensou Mangekyou The Memories Of Phantasm OVA 11 (DVD 848x480p AVC. Read more about this topic on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: ) If episode list does not appears or player showing errors, please try to disable AdBlock then try again due it have so strict filters on our site and killed most of. Touhou Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm vostfr Synopsis: Le monde de gensokyou et un monde habit par des humains et yokai. Reimu Hakurei est la prtresse qui rgit son quilibre et par consquence, le protge. Gensou Mangekyou The Memories of Phantasm (. Fantasy Kaleidoscope), Manpuku Jinja. Gensou Mangekyou Shunsetsu Ihen no Shou (. A The Memories of Phantasmot mg japnul, felirat nlkl kezdtem el nzni, s attl fggetlenl, hogy csak a felt vagy a hromnegyedt rtettem a szvegnek, teljesen lenygztt a trtnete. Gensou Mangekyou: Memories of Phantasm. The land remains under a blanket of snow, with winter stubbornly holding on even though the cherry Jump to. Touhou AnimeMemories of PhantasmFan Sub Dub. Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spring. She goes off to investigate and soon arrives in the netherworld, facing the youkai behind the strange incident. Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm. Type: Movies Plot Summary: Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spring. She goes off to investigate and soon arrives in the netherworld, facing the youkai behind the strange incident. Watch Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm Episodes Online at Animegg. Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm is available in High Definition only through Animegg. Choose an episode below and start watching Touhou Gensou Mangekyou: The Memories of Phantasm in Subbed Dubbed HD now..