Watch 2012: Supernova (2009) On Viooz: A scientist, races against a deadline to place a shield between the Earth and the oncoming blastwave from a Supernova. As well as the efforts of doom cult to sabotage the project believing it to be God\'s Will Course\ Read More and allow the population of the Earth to be consumed by the intense radiation in the wave. Two hundred years ago a supernova exploded somewhere in the Lyra constellation. Now the lethal burst of radiation is headed straight for Earth, and time is swiftly running out. Film online subtitrat in roameste aparut in 2009 2012: Supernova film online subtitrat in roameste. Dup ce are loc explozia unei supernove la o distan periculoas de Pmnt, un om de tiin intr ntro curs contracronometru n planul su de a plasa un scut ntre planeta noastr i valul de radiaie. K Zemi se bl tlakov vlna supernovy. U zniila Pluto a ti vdci americk profesor Kelvin, profesorka Huan Ye z ny a profesor Jiinsky z Ruska se pou, zda jadern hlavice odplit uvnit nebo vn. 2012: Supernova (2009) Anuncio En esta gua de pelculas encontrars la informacin ms importante sobre los largometrajes que se estn emitiendo en TV HD, ms los estrenos en cines argentinos, pelculas en cines estadounidenses y cines mexicanos. 2012: Supernova 2009 2012 (2009), 2012. 2012: Supernova is een Amerikaanse film uit 2009 van The Asylum met Brian Krause. Wanneer een supernova de aarde dreigt te vernietigen bedenkt een astrofysicus een gevaarlijk en wanhopig. 2012: Supernova (2009) Hollywood Movie Watch Online. Starring Brian Krause, Heather McComb, Najarra Townsend, Allura Lee Director Anthony Fankhauser Genre Action Movie Info. Watch videoA scientist, races against a deadline to place a shield between the Earth and the oncoming blastwave from a Supernova. As well as the efforts of doom cult to sabotage the project believing it to be God's Will Course and allow the population of the Earth to be consumed by the intense radiation in the wave. Telecharger le film 2012: Supernova gratuitement sur notre site partir de liens actifs uptobox 1fichier uploaded turbobit facilement 2012: Supernova (2009). Two hundred years ago a supernova exploded somewhere in the Lyra constellation. Now the lethal burst of radiation is headed straight for Earth, and time is swiftly running out. The only thing standing between humanity and complete devastation is astrophysicist Dr. Kelvin (Brian Krause), who heads up a project to save the planet. 2012: Supernova has some entertaining moments, both intentional and unintentional, but it's so by the book and so uneven that by the end you are anything but satisfied. Guardare 2012: Supernova Online (2009) Film italiano, vedere informazioni sul film completo online, streaming ita, trailer, sottotitoli e audio originale. 2012: Supernova (2009): A scientist, races against a deadline to place a shield between the Earth and the oncoming blastwave from a Supernova. As well as the efforts of doom cult to sabotage the project believing it to be G Verenigde Staten Actie Sciencefiction 90 minuten geregisseerd door Anthony Fankhauser met Brian Krause, Heather McComb en Londale Theus Een ster in een nabijgelegen sterrenstelsel blijkt onstabiel en verandert in een supernova, waarbij de ster explodeert en de hele planeet Aarde in gevaar brengt. After a nearby sun goes supernova, an astrophysicist puts together a desperate plan to shield the earth from the destrutive burst of radiation. Nessuna registrazione richiesta. Commentate i film loggandovi con Facebook, Twitter, Google o Disqus. A scientist, races against a deadline to place a shield between the Earth and the oncoming blastwave from a Supernova. As well as the efforts of doom cult to sabotage the project believing . El caso de la estrella supernova en curso de colisin con la tierra por ms de 200 aos es tan, pero tan secreto, que cuando se filtra la informacin al Descriere Film 2012: Supernova 2012: Supernova 2012: Supernova (2009) (V) 2009 online in romana. Dupa ce are loc explozia unei supernove la o distanta periculoasa de Pamant, un om de stiinta intra intro cursa contracronometru in planul sau de a plasa. Dup ce are loc explozia unei supernove la o distan periculoas de Pmnt, un om de tiin intr ntro curs contracronometru n planul su de a plasa un scut ntre planeta noastr i valul de radiaie. Ttulo original: 2012: Supernova. Sinopsis: El caso de una estrella supernova en curso de colisin con la Tierra por ms de 200 aos es tan secreto que, cuando se filtra la informacin al exterior de la NASA de que estn enviando armas. : 2012: : 2012: Supernova: 2009. yelerimizin ay ierisinde filmlere yapm olduu yorumlar, yorumlarnn uzunluu ve karakter says, film puanlamalar ve filmin iyi veya kt olduunu belirledikleri ilemlere zel gelitirmi olduumuz bir puanlama sistemi sayesinde popler yelerimiz belirlenmektedir. 2012 Supernova DVO 2012: Supernova (2009) (36) IMDb 2. 3 87 min 2009 NR Subtitles and Closed Captions. A scientist tries to save the Earth from the deadly blast of a star gone supernova. Genres Action, Science Fiction Director Anthony Fankhauser Starring Brian Krause, Heather Mccomb, Najarra Townsend. Film in streaming Nel mondo hightech e di mobilit integrale, il cinema ricopre il ruolo di fenomeno ordinario. Inoltre, i fan si sono assuefatti alle sorprese offerte dai registi, i quali amano ricoprire di effetti speciali i loro capolavori, utilizzando opzioni non standard di presentazione e idee, a dir poco, originali. Der Astrophysiker Kelvin soll einen nuklearen Schutzschild bauen, mit dem Erde vor den Folgen einer gigantischen Sonnenexplosion geschtzt werden kann. 2012: Supernova (2009): A scientist, races against a deadline to place a shield between the Earth and the oncoming blastwave from a Supernova. As well as the efforts of doom cult to sabotage the project believing it to be G cb01. Nessuna registrazione richiesta. Commentate i film loggandovi con Facebook, Twitter, Google o Disqus. 2012: Supernova Torrents (2009). A scientist, races against a deadline to place a shield between the Earth and the oncoming blastwave from a Supernova. As well as the efforts of doom cult to sabotage the project believing it to be God's Will Course and allow the population of the Earth to be consumed by the intense radiation in the wave. : Supernova is a 2009 directtovideo science fiction disaster film by The Asylum. The film is a mockbuster of the Columbia Pictures film 2012, which was released a month later. 2012: Supernova est un film ralis par Anthony Fankhauser avec Brian Krause, Heather McComb. Synopsis: Quand une toile dans une galaxie voisine devient instable, une Supernova, un. Synopsis 2012: Supernova (2012: Supernova) 2009: Quand une toile dans une galaxie voisine devient instable, une Supernova, un astrophysicien ralise un. Overwhelming activity in the atmosphere over the last two years has caused freak weather events and interfered with communications and electronics and the activity keeps increasing. Divirtete, en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento. El contenido est optimizado para PC, Mac, dispositivos mviles, PS4, Xbox One y Smart TV Assistir 2012: Supernova Online (2009) Informaes Gratis do Filme Completo em Portugus (dublado), subttulos e udio original. Supernova 2012 ist ein USamerikanischer ScienceFictionFilm von Anthony Fankhauser aus dem Jahr 2009. Der Film wurde von The Asylum produziert. Der Film.