Un primo piano di Melody Gardot; Dopo un primo incontro a New York nel 2008, la Gardot inizi una collaborazione con il produttore Larry Klein, assieme al quale realizz il secondo album, My One and Only Thrill, uscito il 28 aprile 2009. Sempre nel 2009 usc un EP dal vivo. Singer Melody Gardot made her first album lying in bed. Worrisome Heart is the debut album of jazz singersongwriter Melody Gardot. It was released independently in 2006 and later rereleased on Verve Records in 2007 and 2008. The album contains new recordings of songs previously released on Gardot's first extended play release, Some Lessons: The Bedroom Sessions as well as unreleased tracks. nora 1985 New Jersey, USA) je americk zpvaka, skladatelka a klavristka. Vyrstala pevn u prarodi, jej babika se do USA pesthovala z Polska. Jej matka byla fotografka a tak asto cestovala. Worrisome Heart Album by Melody Gardot. Worrisome Heart All That I Need Is Love Gone Sweet Memory Some Lessons Quiet Fire One Day Love Me Like a River Does Goodnite Twilight External links Amazon: buy Worrisome Heart Last. fm: search for Worrisome Heart is the debut album of jazz singersongwriter Melody Gardot. It was released independently in 2006 and later rereleased on Verve Records in 2007 and 2008. 2008 MELODY GARDOT A la edad de 19 aos, Melody Gardot sufri un terrible accidente en su natal Filadelfia, cuando una camioneta la impact mientras circulaba en su bicicleta. perdi la memoria corta, se lastim los odos y qued paralizada de la cintura para abajo. Check out Worrisome Heart by Melody Gardot on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Melody Gardot Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Share with your friends; Sign up to activate this function. Added to your favorites; Sign up to activate this function. Add to a playlist; Follow the Montreux Jazz Festival hosted by. Singersongwritern Melody Gardot, 23, med lugna ballader ilightjazzfacket har redan ltit tala om sig i USA och hon fick sitt genombrott i U K i mitten av mars. Melody Gardot's debut recording, released in 2006, came two years after she suffered a near fatal automobile accident, the differently able Gardot triumphing in accomplishing what many others, including her, could only dream of. Melody Gardot (born February 2nd, 1985) is an jazz artist from New Jersey USA, currently residing in Philadelphia. In 2003 she was run over by a car while riding her. Melody Gardot es una cantante y compositora de jazz. Naci el 2 de febrero de 1985, en Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos. A los 19 aos fue atropellada por un Su primer lbum grabado el 2008, una continuacin del EP, llev por nombre Worrisome Heart. [2 Melody Gardot (born February 2, 1985) is an American jazz singer who has been influenced by such blues and jazz artists as Judy Garland, Janis Joplin, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, Stan Getz and. Melody Gardot (born February 2, 1985 in New Jersey) is a Grammynominated American singer, writer and musician in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, though she considers herself a citizen of the world. She has been influenced by such blues and jazz artists as Judy Garland, Janis Joplin, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, Stan Getz and George Gershwin as. Stream Worrisome Heart by Melody Gardot and tens of millions of other songs on all your devices with Amazon Music Unlimited. Exclusive discount for Prime members. Melody Gardot (prononcer Son premier album, Worrisome Heart, est distribu en 2006 puis rdit par Verve Records en 2008. Aprs lavoir rencontre New York en 2008, le producteur Larry Klein a commenc une collaboration avec Melody Gardot. Listen toMelody Gardot on Deezer. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 53 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. Melody Gardot Worrisome Heart Vinyl LP 2008 EU Original kaufen im Online Music Store von HHV Neuheiten Topseller auf Vinyl, CD Tape Versandkostenfrei bestellen ab 80. Melody Gardot (Nova Jrsia, 2 de Fevereiro de 1985) uma cantora e compositora de jazz estadunidense. [1 [13 sendo mais tarde, em 2008, editado pela Verve Records. Em 2009, lana o lbum My One and Only Thrill, nomeado para trs Grammy Awards e catapultandoa. The story of vocalist, guitarist, and pianist Melody Gardot is as remarkable as any who perseveres against abject adversity. Blessed with a beautiful voice and grand insight as a songwriter, Gardot overcame a lifethreatening bicycle accident early in her career. As amazing as her story is, what is. Verve Records has purchased the rights to reissue vocalist Melody Gardot's debut recording, which came out in 2006. Two years after suffering a near fatal automobile accident, the differently able Gardot triumphed in accomplishing what many others, including her, could only dream of. Find a Melody Gardot Worrisome Heart first pressing or reissue. Complete your Melody Gardot collection. This debut will inevitably draw comparisons to Norah Jones and Madeleine Peyroux but don't fall into the trap of believing it. Because behind the sweeping classic melodies and dreamy piano lie the striking lyrics and edgy tone of Melody Garnot and beyond them, an. A Bu, Alina Engibaryan, Amiyna Farouque 13 artists Montreux Jazz Academy 2015 Best Of Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Goodnite Melody Gardot on AllMusic 2008 Description. I would never have described myself as a fan of jazz, which is a label that has been attached to Melody Gardot. But I saw her on Jools Holland was utterly blown away by her incredible voice this kind of music really helps to bring it out. This debut will inevitably draw comparisons to Norah Jones and Madeleine Peyroux but don't fall into the trap of believing it. Because behind the sweeping classic melodies and dreamy piano lie the striking lyrics and edgy tone of Melody Garnot and beyond them, an. Melody Gardot Worrisome Heart (2008) LYRICS: I need a hand with my worrisome heart I need a hand with my worrisome heart I would be lucky to find me a man Who could love me the way that I am. Your Heart Is As Black As Night, One Day, Preacherman. Legendary jazz label Verve released her Goldselling debut album, Worrisome Heart, in 2008, The 2CD and 3LP editions of Melody Gardot: Live In Europe will be released on 9 February. ph permet de tlcharger des de films, sries, musique, logiciels et jeux. Accs direct sans inscription et. Find release reviews and credits for Worrisome Heart [Verve Melody Gardot on AllMusic 2008 Verve Records has purchased the rights to reissue Joined April 2008. 281 Photos and videos Photos and videos Tweets. Melody autographed a very limited number of LIVE IN EUROPE CD Vinyl, her FIRST EVER GREATEST HITS, personally curated. Melody Gardot presents her first ever album of live music recorded at concerts worldwide. In four albums, Worrisome Heart (2008), My One And Only Thrill (2009), The Absence (2012) and Currency Of Man (2015), Melody Gardot has managed to sneak in between Diana Krall and Norah Jones to also find her place in the selective club of the female singers that are a bit jazzy but not too much, this oneiric cast that was so popular during the 50s, and in which she soon made the. Melody Gardot, Soundtrack: La linea. Melody Gardot was born on February 2, 1985 in New Jersey, USA. Melody Gardot spielte zunchst Klavier und trat als Jugendliche schon als Sngerin in Nightclubs im Raum Philadelphia auf, (2008) mit. Anfang 2009 erhielt Gardot fr Worrisome Heart eine EchoNominierung und das Album erreichte Platz 2 in den USamerikanischen JazzCharts. Si l'histoire de Melody Gardot est surprenante un accident dramatique a failli lui coter la vie l'ge de 19 ans son triomphe en 2009 avec My. pe 2 februarie 1985 n New Jersey) Melody Gardot n 2008. Pentru ai stimula activitatea cerebral doctorii iau sugerat lui Melody s cnte la pian, ns aceasta nu putea sta n ezut pentru o perioad mai mare de zece minute. Mix Melody Gardot Goodnight Newport Jazz Festival (Official) YouTube Melody Gardot Heineken Jazzaldia 2012 Duration: 57: 11. Jazz 275, 781 views Melody Gardot Worrisome Heart (2008) [VIPER666 13 download locations thepiratebay. se Melody Gardot Worrisome Heart (2008) [VIPER666 Audio Music 3 days Melody Gardot (Irwin Hall, James Casey, Shareef Clayton, Mitchell Long, Edwin Livingston, Devin Greenwood, Charles Staab) Montreux Jazz Festival 2015 [2015, Vocal Jazz Smooth Jazz Easy Listening, HDTV 720p.