All Forums PLAYSTATION Gaming Discussion PSP Gaming General Discussion PSP Newbie Corner Tutorials Custom Firmware 5. 50 GEND3 DIRECTLY (Latest Version) Discussion in ' PSP Newbie Corner Tutorials ' started by hellzspellz, Dec 27, 2009. GEN D3 sometime ago, but forgot to upgrade my fat PSP from 5. The problem is, I can't locate the files I used last time round and having downloaded a few files in recdent days, each time I try to upgrade all I get on reboot is a black screen on my fat PSP. This page is to download CFW 5. 50 gend3 The Frenchbased team of coders collectively known under the guise of Team GEN have released an update to their 5. 50 series custom firmware, dubbed 5. According to the supplied changelog, this build features compatibility with all PSN demos and UMD titles to date. Loading Unsubscribe from Arleigh Do? Make Pandoras Battery And Magic Memory Stick From Your PSP Using (ULTRA PANDORA INSTALLER V. these are the files from the downloaded packet and plug in your psp 1. PBP file to the root of your memory stick 2. open up the psp folder from the downloaded packet 3. then open the game folder and there should be a update folder 4. I uploaded the Update without the 550. PBP file so people who already have that file in their PSP, can download the file much quicker. For those who do not have the 550. PBP, I uploaded a seperate file for you just incase. 60 OFW submitted 5 years ago by Probablyimmortal So I moved the EBOOT file into the update folder but had to name it EBOOT 2 because I don't want to overwrite the 5. rudie777 and Yuanita B LATAR BELAKANG: Minat Upgrade atau Reflashed PSP ke Custome Firmware 550 GEN A FULL? Focusing on a lot of 550 gen d electronic and other relevant products on sale. Shop 550 Gen D Electronic available for purchasing right now! I haven't modded my psp for a while. i was wondering if someone could help me with links and a guide on how to upgrade my psp from 5. 50 Firmware Update is now available for download and features many improvements and the best one could be the information Board on the XMB interface pspcfw 5. psp GEN Custom firmware links Incl 5. Discussion in 'Sony PSP download both parts and uncompress with winrar to get 550. pbp then copy and paste it to your psp ShaggyZE, Dec 31, 2009# 101. Joined: Jun 15, 2008 Messages: 2, 142 Likes Received: 0 . Can anyone help me, I'm trying to run GPSP on my PSP1000 GEN 550D3 and the roms load up fine but as soon as the game is supposed to start proper they either freeze or reset. Masuklah ke menu recovery, Caranya: Matikan (Shutdown bukan sleep mode) PSP anda, dan kemudian hidupkan lagi, psp anda, dengan menekan tanpa dilepas tombol R trigger, setelah muncul menu recovery anda baru lepaskan tombol R trigger. This New PSP CFW release by PSPGen will give you more game supprt for those that require OFW 5. 00 acording to the developer of PSP CFW 5. 50 GenD2 Report Select an issue Sony psp. How to Update your PSP from 5. 60 PRO B10 Actualizar PSP de 5. 8 HOW TO UPDATE YOUR PSP 1000 OR PSP 2000 FROM ANY FIRMWARE TO 6. The Gen TEAM has just released Custom Firmware 5. 50 GEND which fixes the troubles that 5. It allows you to play ISOs and CSOs that require 5. 00 firmware without having to patch the eboot. If have a PSP3000 PSP2000 TA088v3 however, youre still stuck with patching. 50 Gen D3 Firmware Ability to run 6. 10 games without having to patch (UMD or ISO) Ability to run games protected as Gundan vs. Gundam Naruto for example (UMD or ISO) span rudie777 and Yuanita B LATAR BELAKANG: Minat Upgrade atau Reflashed PSP ke Custome Firmware 550 GEN A FULL? psp [PSP Go Adapter des cartes Micro SD sur PSP Go psp Comment utiliser les 2. 5GB de la partition ur0: de la Vita psp [PSVita Transfert de dumpvpk dcoup avec VPKTool grce QCMA. Langkahlangkah Upgrade CFW PSP 5. 60 Pro B10 PSP sebagai gadget game pernah mengalami booming pada masanya. Tetapi perlahan pamor psp sebagai konsol game mulai terkikis dengan kehadiran ponsel yang makin lama makin canggih. Here is another blog for every PSP players. This features latest PSP game releases or games to be released, some PSP news about upgrades and features, different updates for firmware and other more stuffs. Bueno, en este sencillo tutorial intentare explicaros lo mas detalladamente posible como actualizar vuestra PSP al ultimo Custom Firmware. I can't seem to find any more than 5 themes for 5. 50 GEN and it's very frustrating. Does anyone know of a program I can use to develop my own 5. Nice, i like the waay the icons are placed. Thanks for posting it Matchung. Hello, I have received a psp1000 from a friend to hack because he has seen my hacked GO. 50 GEND (FULL) My problem is I cant get it to official update 6. 60 to install If I try and update it from the psp it says latest update is installed and when I download and put the update in the mem card it wont turn up Flash install OFW 5. 50: Instala en tu PSP la version 5. 50 original (Como es una actualizacin original de Sony, se pierden todos los beneficios de los Custom Firmwares). 50 GENB2: Instala en tu PSP la versin 5. Showcasing 550 Gen D Good on sale right now. Featuring a comprehensive selection of 550 Gen D Good available for purchasing right now online. atokpro i'm the psp lover if u have any question about psp plz leave comment or add me in facebook (aq faiz) View my complete profile PSP Custom Firmware 5. 50 GEND3 PSP Firmware, Custom Firmware, PSP Downloads, Based on firmware 5. 50 GEN D3 brings full compatibility with PSN demos and UMD titles to date while maintaining access to homebrew applications. 50Team GENCFW Le Custom Firmware 5. 50 PSP Firmware, Official Firmware, PSP Downloads, Firmware 5. 50 for PSP introduces a PS3esque live information board for daily updates regarding all things PSN. Other noteworthy changes focus on organization, specifically the ability to store media files in subfolders. Changelog: The number of folder levels that you can view under Sleep timer (Photo), Sleep timer. PSPGen Custom Firmware Developers has release and updated version of their popular PSP Custom Firmware known as PSP Custom firmware 5. 50 GenB2 also known as PSP CFW 5. 50Gen b2.