The Conservatives failure to invest in affordable childcare showed a failure to understand the daily reality of families in the UK, Walker added. Last week, the Womens Equality Party handdelivered their manifesto to the Conservative Party headquarters, encouraging them to steal policies for free childcare and shared parental leave that. Policies for a Conservative Government to Strengthen Families. Click here to support the Manifesto to Strengthen Families It's out, it's the colour of the old British passport and it doesn't have any pictures in it well, apart from one of Theresa May on the inside cover. There are, however, quite a lot of words. The Conservative Manifesto (officially titled An Address to the People of the United States) was a position statement drafted in 1937 by a bipartisan coalition of conservative politicians. The Conservatarian Manifesto is a book that I should have really, really liked. Cooke may be my number one mustread journalist right now. I could fairly be described as a conservatarian (a neologism that flows off the tongue a bit better than. If you enter your details on this website, the Liberal Democrats, locally and nationally, may use information in it, including your political views, to further our objectives, share it with our elected representatives andor contact you in future using any of the means provided. Conservative manifesto includes big changes to social care funding and aims to balance the budget by 2025. Theresa May announces Brexit plan at Conservative Party conference. The latest Tweets from Conservatives (@Conservatives). We're building a Britain fit for the future. The Conservative Party, officially the Conservative and Unionist Party, is a centreright political party in the United Kingdom. It is currently the governing party, having been so since the 2010 general election, where a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats was formed. But the Conservative manifesto has an Achilles heel in a global race for talent and innovation UK firms risk being left in the starting blocks because of a blunt approach to immigration. The Conservative Party election manifesto, published today, contains some remarkable things on overseas students remarkably worrying for UK universities, that is. There is also a single sentence that pledges a major review of funding across tertiary education. Stormont talks, Conservatives deliver. Welcome to the website of the Conservative Party in Northern Ireland. On this website you can find our latest news, campaigns and. The Prime Minister has promised a Tory government will tackle the five giant challenges facing Britain, as she launched the party's manifesto. Britains leading Conservative blog for news, comment, analysis and campaigns, edited by Paul Goodman. We are independent of the Conservative Party but supportive of it. Site Information We will get on with the job and take Britain out of the European Union. Brexit has a key place in the Conservatives' manifesto, published today, which reaffirms all of the Government's ex The Conservative party goes on and on and on, for one reason alone: from time to time, a leader comes along who redefines what it means to be Conservative. Margaret Thatcher was the last one who. The Conservative Party will publish its election manifesto on Thursday. The Independent has launched its# FinalSay campaign to demand that voters are given a voice on the final Brexit deal. Conservative Manifesto, 1979 FOREWORD by The Rt. RESTORING THE BALANCE The control of inflation; Better value for money The Conservative Party have announced their manifesto for the 2017 General Election. Included in this (on page 6465) is proposed. We will introduce a single capital floor, set at 100, 000, more than four times the current means test threshold. The Conservatives have launched their manifesto, Forward, Together: Our plan for a stronger Britain and a prosperous future. The full document is available online. The manifesto encourages parents and charities to set up new academy schools, pledges to give people the power to veto council tax rises through local referendums, and promises communities the right to buy their local pub or post office. Source: Conservative party website, existing manifesto or officiallypublished policies. Ensure Britain is a major player on the world stage, using diplomacy to protect your interests, uphold British values and tackle threats to your security and prosperity. 6 THE CONSERVATIVE AND UNIONIST PARTY MANIFESTO 2017 FIVE GIANT CHALLENGES Strong and stable leadership Like generations before us. Conservative Manifesto 2017 PDF In Full: Theresa May Publishes Her Programme For Government It is a little blue book. By Ned Simons Theresa May has unveiled her the Conservative Partys. The manifesto highlights the Conservative commitment to a 1 per cent real terms increase in spending on defence equipment and increasing the size of reserve forces. Apart from the Brexit question, there is a lot in the Conservative manifesto to cause disquiet. The measures on reducing benefits paid to wealthier pensioners were, however, an attempt to increase equity between the generations while protecting the vulnerable. Data and The Conservative Party Manifesto. We always like it when politicians come to Yorkshire and weve had the two largest political parties over in Gods own county this week. The Labour manifesto was launched in Bradford on Tuesday and today we got the Conservative Party manifesto in Halifax. The party's manifesto includes big changes to social care funding and aims to balance the budget by 2025. The Conservative Manifesto: Or How to Be a Conservative Republican with No Morals or Principles with 8 Easy Rules Sep 6, 2017. Read this and over 1 million books with Kindle Unlimited. Now, what we see as a result of the changes that have been made, in relation to the basic state pension, [is an increase of 1, 250 per year. We rely on your donations to continue and grow our factchecking efforts to help us maintain our independence we need 1000 donors to. The Conservative Manifesto 2017: Our Plan for a Stronger Britain and a Prosperous Future The next five years are the most challenging that Britain has faced in my lifetime. Launching the Conservative Party manifesto, the Prime Minister (pictured) will say she wants to end the heartache suffered by thousands of families a year. Commenting on the election manifesto published today by the Conservative Party, Kevin Courtney, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, the largest teachers union, said: The Conservatives headline pledge to give 4 billion to schools is an inadequate response to the funding crisis and a misleading presentation. The manifesto itself is a very sombre document lacking the colour and photos which adorn the Labour and Liberal Democrat versions. The content underlines this sense of solemnity, setting out. 9 million jobs have been created. We see employment at record levels. Employment [is higher now than since records began. And unemployment lower than it's been since the mid 1970s. We rely on your donations to continue and grow our factchecking efforts to help us maintain our. THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY MANIFESTO 2015. Liberal Democrats wont give you a say over the EU. February 1974 Conservative Party General Election Manifesto Firm Action for a Fair Britain. Today we face great dangers both from within our own country and from outside. The Conservative Manifesto was a 1937 bipartisan effort opposing what was considered excessive government intervention and growth. The Manifesto was a response to what was perceived as growing state collectivism and the fear that FDR led America, knowingly or not, down this path. Watch videoConservative manifesto 2017: All you need to know about the Tories election pledges. Policies to better fund schools and the NHS are contingent on taking away universal free school lunches and. Our manifesto for a better, fairer Britain This is our vision for a country that works for the many, not just the privileged few. With Labour, well build a country where. The general election means that the Conservative Party will soon be producing a manifesto. While there is nothing unusual in that, the fact that we will be doing so less than a year after the historic Forward Together: The Conservative Manifesto. The next five years are the most challenging that Britain has faced in my lifetime. Brexit will define us: our place. Mays manifesto on The Spectator Never has the Conservative party entered a general election campaign feeling more confident about victory. Much of that Launching the Conservative Party manifesto, the Prime Minister (pictured) will say she wants to end the heartache suffered by thousands of families a year. Conservatives risk becoming 'party of nostalgic nationalists' First thoughts Even the rightwing press agree: Corbyn is winning the battle of ideas Polly Toynbee Skip to main site By clicking continue you agree to be emailed other messages promoting Party policy by the Conservative Party and for your responses to be used in accordance with our Data Collection and Use Policy. We will not share your details with anyone outside of the Conservative Party. THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY MANIFESTO 201 5 THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY MANIFESTO 2015 THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY MANIFESTO 2015 Promoted by Alan Mabbutt on behalf of the Conservative Party, both at 4 Matthew Parker Street, London, SW1H 9HQ. Workers will be given a legal right to take a year's leave from their job to care for elderly relatives under a Conservative Government, Theresa May will announce on Monday. The manifesto waters down pledges on child poverty. The 2015 document said we will work to eliminate child poverty, this time it says we want to reduce levels of child poverty There are no.