Silent Hill Revelation 3D llega por fin a Espaa cuatro aos despus de su estreno y tres desde que se pudiera ver en el Festival de Cine Fantstico de Nocturna en Madrid. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D ist ein Horrorfilm des britischen Regisseurs Michael J. Als Vorlage fr den Film diente die Handlung des Videospiels Silent Hill 3 von Konami. Der Film ist die Fortsetzung von Silent Hill aus dem Jahre 2006. In den deutschen Kinos lief der Film am 29. Silent Hill Revelation 3D is an inferior sequel in every way, shape and form, a horror sequel that fails to either intrigue or scare, and one that just might have killed the franchise colddead. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D is announced Edit In November 2010, it was announced that Lions Gate has begun presales on the next installment and that Michael J. Bassett would direct the film, titled Silent Hill: Revelation 3D. Read the Empire review of Silent Hill: Revelation 3D. Find out everything you need to know about the film from the world's biggest movie destination. 'SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D Four Stars (Out of Five) 3D sequel to the 2006 horror film based on the popular survival horror video game of the same name. It was written and directed by Michael J. Bassett and is based on the 'Silent Hill 3' video game. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D is a Horror, Mystery, Thriller film released in 2012 and directed by Michael J. Bassett with a runtime of 94 minutes. The star actors of Silent Hill: Revelation 3D are Adelaide Clemens, CarrieAnne Moss, Deborah Kara Unger, Heather Marks, Kit Harington, Malcolm McDowell, Martin Donovan, Radha Mitchell, Roberto Campanella, Sean Bean. Watch Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Online. silent hill: revelation 3d full movie with English subtitle. Stars: Radha Mitchell, Deborah Kara Unger, Sean Bean, Carrie Anne Moss, Kit Harington, Malcolm Mcdowell, Martin Donovan, Adelaide Clemens When her father disappears, Heather Mason is drawn into a strange and terrifying alternate reality that holds answers to the horrific nightmares that have plagued her since childhood. On October 26th, the second Silent Hill film will release to theaters. Entitled Silent Hill: Revelation, the movie stars Adelaide Clemens, Sean Bean, and Kit Harington. Directed by Michael J Bassett and cowritten by Martin Solibakke and Michael J Basset, Sileent Hill: Relevation 3D pulls the Silent Hill 3D View Silent Hill in 3D Bankowned homes: a few tips. Bank owned homes can be full of surprisesand not the fun kind. A good gent can help you avoid these unpleasant surprises by knowing what to look for. Because these are not standard transactions and the buyer isnt dealing with a warm blooded. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Trailer Heather Mason and her father have been on the run, always one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesnt fully understand, Now on the eve of her 18th birthday, plagued by horrific nightmares and the disappearance of. Acerca de Silent Hill: Revelation 3D. Cuando cumple 18 aos, Heather Mason decide buscar a su padre. Las pesadillas que la acechan la conducen a la ciudad de la niebla eterna, donde acabar descubriendo el misterio de Silent Hill. Watch Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (2012) Free Online Heather Mason and her father have been on the run, always one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesn't fully understand, Now on the eve of her 18th birthday, plagued by horrific nightmares and the disappearance of her father, Heather discovers she's not who she thinks she is. 5, 499 likes 3 talking about this. Fanpage for The Movie Silent Hill Revelation Silent Hill Revelation 3D 2012 28 enero, 2016 Peliculas Torrents Horror Heather Mason y su padre han estado huyendo, siempre un paso por delante de las fuerzas peligrosas que ella no entiende totalmente, Ahora, en vsperas de su cumpleaos nmero eighteen, plagada de pesadillas horribles y la desaparicin de su padre, Heather descubre que. Silent Hill: Rvlation 3D est un film Realisation par Michael J. Bassett en 0 Avec Adelaide Clemens, CarrieAnne Moss, Deborah Kara Unger, Erin Pitt, Histoire du film: Depuis des annes, Heather Mason et son pre n'ont jamais cess de fuir, chappant chaque fois de justesse aux mystrieuses forces qui les pourchassent. Revelatia va duce personajele principale mai adanc in lumea demonica, lume ce o ameninta sa ramana prinsa in capcana pentru totdeauna. Filmul e inspirat din jocul video Silent Hill 3. Watch videoSilent Hill: Revelation Director Discusses The Films Shortcomings 06 February 2018 We Got This Covered; See all related articles The film did a good job of summarizing the first, and the 3D was generally welldone. Well first, the character relationships were extremely superficial, to the point where it. 1, 589, 378 likes 813 talking about this. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D comes to Bluray Combo Pack on February 12th with Silent Hill: Revelation 3D un film del 2012 scritto e diretto da Michael J. Il film il sequel di Silent Hill ed ispirato a Silent Hill 3, terzo capitolo dell' omonima serie di videogiochi [1. She slides in behind the horses and other mounts on the carousel. They seem alive, moving slowly and morphing from innocent childs ride to misshapen horrifying things. Si Silent Hill: Revelation 3D s'avre aussi ingal que le premier film, on ressent chez son ralisateur, une volont certaine de respecter le matriau d'origine tout en offrant une histoire. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D est un film d'horreur francocanadien inspir de la srie de jeux vido Silent Hill, ralis par Michael J. Ce film, qui est la suite du premier volet ralis par Christophe Gans, utilise la technologie 3D. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Was vor vielen Jahren in Silent Hill, der Geisterstadt der gequlten, verlorenen Seelen, geschah, hat Heather komplett verdrngt. Als sie aber die Mchte des Bsen in schrecklichen Visionen und Trumen einholen und ihren Adoptivvater Harry entfhren, bricht Heather mit ihrem neuen Freund Vincent. Silent Hill: Revelations 3D Set Photos with CarrieAnne Moss and the Nurse Demons! Producer Don Carmody shows off some behindthescenes images from this scary video game adaptation sequel. Silent Hill Revelaia reprezint continuarea filmului horror cu acelai nume lansat n 2006 i inspirat dintrun cunoscut joc pe calculator. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D When her adoptive father disappears, Sharon Da Silva is drawn into a strange and terrifying alternate reality that holds answers to the. Silent Hill: Revelations 3D was met with universal critical disdain, earning a 15 out of 100 on Metacritic. Slant Magazines Calum Marsh said the film fundamentally misunderstands the appeal. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D: Watch Silent Hill: Revelation 3D on putlockerwatch. com, This is yet another film of 2012 that i didnt care much for i didnt really care about the characters but i thought the acting was okay from everyone and another problem i have with this film is Sean bean! because once again he has nothing to do! Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Un film di Michael J. Carente di una cifra linguistica autonoma, il sequel di Silent Hill fallisce la trasposizione da videogame a grande schermo. Con Adelaide Clemens, Kit Harington, Sean Bean, Radha Mitchell, Deborah Kara Unger. Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Official Trailer# 1 (2012) Horror Movie HD When. Silent Hill: Revelation, as indicated in the subhead, aims to unlock some of the mystery surrounding the franchise, a move that unfortunately dissolves much of the previous installment's operatic, Dario Argentoinspired vibe. That said, even if it can't replicate the original's unnervingly oogy surrealism, it still retains enough of the source. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D 1 godz. Udostpnij Zmagajc si ze znikniciem ojca, gwna bohaterka odkrywa przeraajcy sekret, ktry prowadzi j w gb demonicznego wiata. This feature is not available right now. In Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, Heather Mason (Clemens) and her father (Bean) have been on the run, always one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesn't fully understand. Free Stream Free Download Openload Streamcloud Uploaded ShareOnline Sean Bean Malcolm McDowell Deborah Kara Unger Radha Mitchell CarrieAnne Moss Silent Hill: Revelation Silent Hill Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Artigos relacionados Personagens Monstros Locais Ashfield Team Silent The Order Akira Yamaoka Cuando cumple 18 aos, Heather Mason decide buscar a su padre. Las pesadillas que la acechan la conducen a la ciudad de la niebla eterna, donde acabar descubriendo el misterio de Silent Hill. Summary: In Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, Heather Mason and her father have been on the run, always one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesn't fully understand. On the eve of her 18th birthday, plagued by horrific nightmares and the disappearance of. A continuacin pasan varios coches de polica y un autobs de la prisin a toda velocidad con la intencin de pasar por Silent Hill, el da se oscurece de pronto y las cenizas vuelven a caer (Referencia al juego Silent Hill: Downpour). I'm a Silent Hill fan from years back. Silent Hill 3 on the PC was one that ruled my nightmares for years. It was a game that I lost countless hours playing. Schauspieler: Sean Bean, Kit Harington, Adelaide Clemens, CarrieAnne Moss Silent Hill: Revelation 3D watch online: stream, buy or rent. Currently you are able to watch Silent Hill: Revelation 3D streaming on Stan. It is also possible to buy Silent Hill: Revelation 3D on PlayStation, Apple iTunes, Microsoft Store as download or rent it on.