An extremely fun Korean drama of a book. Title: Prophecy (The Dragon King Chronicles# 1) Author: Ellen Oh Release Date: January 2, 2013 (hardcover) Publisher: HarperTeen Pages: 320 Read Prophecy by Ellen Oh with Rakuten Kobo. For fans of bestselling author Marie Lu comes this heartstopping first book in Ellen Ohs trilogy about the greatest wa Book Prophecy (Ellen Oh) ready for read and download! Series: Book 1 of The Dragon King Chronicles The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms. is Prophecy is both the name of Ohs young adult trilogy, and the title of the first in the series, which debuted in January 2013. People feared Kira, the heartthumping novel begins. People feared Kira, the heartthumping novel begins. Ellen Oh was highly ambitious with Prophecy. While the concept and setting were highly attractive and creative, at the end of the day all I can think is, I want more. And for a change, I don't mean a sequel. I feel like where Prophecy ultimately will lose in. For fans of bestselling author Marie Lu comes this heartstopping first book in Ellen Ohs trilogy about the greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Jia C Reviews Asian heroine Fantasy HarperTeen prophecy YoungAdult 12 Comments. Dear Ellen Oh: Im on an endless quest to find traditional fantasies featuring worldbuilding not based on Western culture. This desire is not without its pitfalls, of course. Prophecy Author: Ellen Oh Series: The Dragon King Chronicles# 1 Release Date: January 23, 2013 Publisher: HarperTeen Get it Here: Amazon Barnes Noble Book Depository Synopsis: The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms is a girl with yellow eyes. Kiras the only female in the kings army, and the princes For fans of bestselling author Marie Lu comes this heartstopping first book in Ellen Ohs trilogy about the greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Intrigue and mystery, ancient lore and actionpacked fantasy come together in this incredible debut! Kiras the only female in the kings army, and shes also the princes bodyguard. Buy, download and read Prophecy ebook online in EPUB format for iPhone, iPad, Android, Computer and Mobile readers. For fans of bestselling author Marie Lu comes this heartstopping first book in Ellen Ohs trilogy about the greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms. 17 June 2015; Written by Cyna; Categories Book Reviews, One Star, Posts, Two Stars; Tags cyna review, ellen oh, fantasy, poc protag, the dragon king chronicles, ya; The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms is a girl with yellow eyes. Kiras the only female in the kings army, and the princes bodyguard. I expected Prophecy to blow my mind, and I was really looking forward to read Ms. Oh's take on a Korean fantasy world. Too bad I noted that I was bored within the first ten percent. Too bad I noted that I was bored within the first ten percent. Find great deals for Prophecy: Prophecy 1 by Ellen Oh (2013, Paperback). About Ellen Oh: Thanks for checking out my author page! I'm no longer checking notifications here on Goodreads but you are welcome to contact me on twitt PROPHECY is a fastpaced historical fantasy set in Korea that takes you on a wild ride throughout the country. Kira, our semimagical heroine, has sworn to protect the prince and, to do this, she'll meet gods, warriors, demons, friends and foes. Prophecy is about war and Ellen Oh isnt afraid to write about the harsh realities of it. In many fantasy books, family members and friends of the main character seem to. December 19, 2012 Paige Reviews 0 Prophecy by Ellen Oh Published by HarperTeen on January 2, 2013 Genres: YA Fantasy Pages: 320 Format: ARC Source: print ARC from a swap The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms is a girl with yellow eyes. Prophecy [Book 1 of Prophecy Series by Ellen Oh Author Interview [in Bookslut As the mother of three young girls, Ellen Oh is constantly on the. Read Prophecy by Ellen Oh by Ellen Oh by Ellen Oh for free with a 30 day free trial. Read eBook on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android For fans of bestselling author Marie Lu comes this heartstopping first book in Ellen Ohs trilogy about the greatest warrior in all. Best books related to Prophecy: Pulse, Whats Left of Me (The Hybrid Chronicles, Book 1), City of a Thousand Dolls, Stung, Breathe, Taken (Erin Bowman), Cured, Reboot, BloodKissed Sky, The. Ellen Oh, Author of Spirit Hunters, King, Warrior, Phophecy, and Map of the Seven Kingdoms, with stories in Flying Lessons, and Diverse Energies anthologies. PROPHECY The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms is a girl with yellow eyes. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your people. Originally from New York City, Ellen Oh is the founder of We Need Diverse Books and the author of the Prophecy trilogy (Prophecy, Warrior, and King) for young adults. Spirit Hunters is her fourth book and her first for middle grade readers. The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Kira is the only female in the king's army, and the prince's bodyguard. She's a demon slayer and an outcast. Prophecy by Ellen Oh is epic fantasy that will appeal to both boys and girls equally as it has a kick ass girl as the main character, but also has a great storyline and plot. Reading Prophecy I never once thought that it didn't show enough. Sometimes I wanted pictures, but wanting to know more about what something looks like is not a failure of the writing but more like a success! Prophecy by Ellen Oh (review) Alaine Martaus Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, Volume 66, Number 9, May 2013, pp. (Review) Published by Johns Hopkins University Press Title: Prophecy Author: Ellen Oh Series: The Dragon King Chronicles Publisher: HarperTeen Published: January 2, 2013 Rating: (3. 5 out of 5) The summary of Prophecy from Goodreads: The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms is a girl with yellow eyes. Kiras the only female in the kings army, and the princes bodyguard. In a magical ancient Korea, a demonslaying princess defends her family and her kingdom. Kira may be the king's own niece and Hansong's lone female warrior, but that doesn't make her popular. has, in theory, everything I want in a fantasy: a female warrior protagonist, magic, political intrigue, romance. Unfortunately, the execution falls short. Kira is a demon fighter, blessed (or cursed) with the ability to see the demons that have killed humans and. Prophecy by Ellen Oh, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Ellen Oh, Author of The Prophecy Series, Diverse Energies Anthology and other Young Adult novels. Prophecy (English, Paperback) Ellen Oh For fans of bestselling author Marie Lu comes this heartstopping first book in Ellen Oh's trilogy about the greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Read Prophecy by Ellen Oh online on Bookmate For fans of bestselling author Marie Lu comes this heartstopping first book in Ellen Ohs trilogy about the greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingd Prophecy Edition by Ellen Oh and Publisher HarperTeen. Save up to 80 by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: , . The print version of this textbook is ISBN. For fans of bestselling author Marie Lu comes this heartstopping first book in Ellen Ohs trilogy about the greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Im always up for a good book about dragons, and Prophecy by Ellen Oh definitely had those. I was a bit disappointed that the protagonist, Kira, wasnt actually part dragon, though. Also, there just werent enough dragons. Kira is a badass demon slayer with supernatural strength and speed, and honestly she kind of reminded me of a Mary. Originally from New York City, Ellen Oh is an adjunct college instructor and former entertainment lawyer with an insatiable curiosity for ancient Asian history. She also loves martial arts films, Kpop, Kdramas, and cooking shows, and she is a rabid fan of the Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra series. Prophecy (Ellen Oh) at Booksamillion. For fans of bestselling author Marie Lu comes this heartstopping first book in Ellen Oh's trilogy about the greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Intrigue and mystery, ancient lore and actionpacked fantasy come together in this incredible debut Kira's the only female in the king's army, and she's also the prince. Prophecy, Book 1, Available now Warrior, Book 2, December 31, 2013 King, Book 3, December 31, 2014. The end is here for the Prophecy series by Ellen Oh! Sp S on S so S red S April 27, 2015. TitleAuthor: Prophecy (The Dragon King Chronicles# 1) by Ellen Oh PublisherDate published: HarperTeen, January 2nd 2013 How I got this book: received it from the publisher as an egalley and bought a shiny finished copy Goodreads summary: The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms is a girl with yellow eyes. Kiras the only female in the kings army, and the princes. Originally from New York City, Ellen Oh is the founder of We Need Diverse Books and the author of the Prophecy trilogy (Prophecy, Warrior, and King) for young adults. Maybe I am an odd duck, but I actually quite liked Prophecy by Ellen Oh. I realize a lot of my blogger friends and people I subscribe to where just not that into Prophecy, but for me personally, I went into the book not expecting the second coming and thus wasnt tainted by expecting Graceling 2. Without [ I was one of the lucky few given the amazing opportunity to read Prophecy ahead of schedule, and I was completely blown away by Oh's writing style and subject matter. Kira is a refreshing kind of heroine exactly the type one hopes to see young girls emulate. Prophecy is about war and Ellen Oh isn't afraid to write about the harsh realities of it. In many fantasy books, family members and friends of the main character seem to.