Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds. Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to. Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to life on the move. Ranging from quirky to sensible and from rustic to deluxe In that sense Mobitecture is a multigenerational composition that will inspire and appeal to anyone who loves brilliant architecture, iconoclastic design, thoughtful inventiveness and, always. Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds. Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to. Mobitecture is a visual ode to life on the move. Divided into eight chapters, this book thematically explores mobile forms of architecture some strange, some practical, and some out of this world. Divided into eight chapters, this book thematically explores mobile forms of architecture some strange, some practical, and some out of this world. Rebecca Rokes new publication Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move, is just the ticket to help you move on in all senses. This fascinating, remarkable, and measured compendium celebrates mobile architecture in all its forms, from quaint to quirky, and from rustic to deluxe, across a range of functions. Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds. Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to. In a new book, author Rebecca Roke showcases 250 portable projects from around the world, from retro campers to modern houseboats to lightweight shelters. Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move, a new book by design writer Rebecca Roke, shows the vast range of new mobile housing structures that growing urbanization and new materials have inspired. Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City signed copy. NEW An eclectic collection of mobile architecture is neatly cataloged in the new book Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move (Phaidon, 24. 95), comprising everything from a minimalist floating sauna. Architecture and design writer Rebecca Roke has released a new book which looks at mobile, portable and movable architectural structures, called Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move. Whereas architecture relates to the archetype of a place, mobitecture refers to the archetype of movement. mobility moblti The quality of being mobile; Mobitecture offers design and engineering services on freelance or projectbasis, either working remotely or on location. In response, architects have been working to create vehicles for these modern nomads, the best of which have been collated in Philip Jodidio's. Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move by Rebecca Roke Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to life on the move. Mobitecture is a collection of different homes on the move. It's filled with great photos that celebrate the mobile way of living. This book is a treat for those who appreciate great design since it's packed with around 250 color photographs. Watch videoDo you want to remove all your recent searches? All recent searches will be deleted Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move, a new book by design writer Rebecca Roke, shows the vast range of new mobile housing structures that growing urbanization and new materials have inspired. In the new book Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move (Phaidon, 24. 95), author Rebecca Roke showcases 250 portable projects from around the world, from retro campers to modern houseboats to. In Rebecca Rokes highly anticipated book Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move, the author celebrates mobile architecture in all its forms. A visual ode to life on the move, Mobitecture encompasses architectural designs that roll, inflate, unfold, popup, slide on sleds and float across water. Mobitecture brings together a spectacular collection of structures in which we can revel, live. Descrio do Produto Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move Por que comprar de ns? A entrega assegurada em todos os pedidos est disponvel para todos os nossos clientes, novos ou antigos. Architecture on the move' bundelt een 250tal ontwerpen uit de hele wereld van constructies die verplaatst kunnen worden, : te voet, op een aantal wielen, met. Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move is a unique compendium that celebrates mobile architecture in all its forms. A visual ode to life on the move, and comprehensive in both its breadth and range, this publication explores mobile structures ranging from quirky to sensible and from rustic to deluxe. Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds Celebrate mobile architecture in all its. Mobitecture: architecture on the move. [Rebecca Roke An inspiring, surprising and fun collection of mobile, portable and moveable architecture including houseboats, caravans, tents and huts for deserts, oceans, beaches, mountains and cities that. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to life on the move. Ranging from quirky to sensible and from rustic to deluxe, featured projects include houseboats, huts, and trickedout caravans, alongside disaster shelters, wearable structures, and futuristic prototypes. EXTRACT FROM Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move by Rebecca Roke, 2017 (Phaidon Press Ltd) From the bedouin tents of North Africa to the airstream trailers made in America, mobile architecture is a phenomenon that reaches across time and geography. Product Description Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to life on the move. Mobitecture Architecture On The Move Ebook Mobitecture Architecture On The Move currently available at for review only, if you need complete ebook Mobitecture Architecture On The Move please fill out registration form to access in our databases. Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to life on the move. Ranging from quirky to sensible and from rustic to deluxe, featured projects. In Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move, architecture and design writer Rebecca Roke celebrates mobile architecture in all its variety. From the functional and utilitarian to the artistic and inventive, as well as plenty of structures that are a blend of Le mot de l'diteur Mobitecture Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to life on the move. Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to life on the move. Ranging from quirky to sensible and from rustic to deluxe, featured projects include houseboats, huts, and trickedout caravans, alongside disaster shelters, wearable structures, and futuristic prototypes. Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to life on the move. Ranging from quirky to sensible and from rustic to deluxe, featured projects include houseboats, huts, and trickedout caravans, alongside disaster shelters, wearable structures. Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds. Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to. Rebecca Roke PHAIDON 124mm 184mm 320P Mobitecture Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move, a new book by design writer Rebecca Roke, shows the vast range of new mobile housing structures that growing urbanization and new materials have inspired. From an umbrella house to a floating sauna, the book highlights the often quirky design solutions devised to make mobile structures stylish and. Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move un libro fantastico non tanto per la sua bellezza, che sicuramente non difetta, ma nel senso letterale del termine in. Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kindsCelebrate mobile architecture in. Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move (Item) ( ) Mobile architecture in all its wonderful variety a lively collection of mobile, portable, and movable structures of all kinds Celebrate mobile architecture in all its forms with this visual ode to life on the move. Ranging from quirky to sensible and from rustic to deluxe, featured projects include houseboats, huts, and trickedout. Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move is a fun little reference book that spotlights a vast collection of architectural designs that roll, inflate, pop up, slide, and float from the whimsical and the practical, to the rustic and the deluxe. Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move by Rebecca Roke is a compact visual exploration into mobile architecture. In a world undergoing mass population movement driven by political crisis, as well as economic migration, housing crunches and the onset of Generation Rent, the thoughtprovoking book. Architecture on the Move, Phaidon, London 2017, 320 pp. Edited by Rebecca Roke and published by Phaidon, Mobitecture celebrates mobile architecture in all its. Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move celebrates some of the craziest and most unique mobile homes ever invented. uk Home on the road takes on a whole new meaning in Rebecca Rokes new book Mobitecture, featuring some incredible portable structures Architecture on the move image 5 Nomadic Homes. Architecture on the move image 6 Nomadic Homes. Architecture on the move image 7 View all images (7) You may also like. Contemporary Houses around the US 70. Islands in the Sky.