Exactly what you would expect from a movie named 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter I am almost sure that the whole idea of the movie was to pack it with as much consecutive action and cheesiness as you can and make A painfully stupid, abysmally ridiculous over the top action packed movie. Abraham Lincoln: cazador de vampiros cuenta la vida oculta de Abraham Lincoln (Benjamin Walker), quien adems de ser Presidente de los Estados Unidos tambin fue un cazador de vampiros tras enterarse de que su madre muri asesinada por una de esas criaturas, dando pie as a una nueva visin de las sangrientas tradiciones vampricas. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, film online DVDRip, subtitrat n Romn. Un copil privete nspimntat cum mama lui este infectat de un vampir, iar apoi aceasta moare. Abraham becomes a politician and the President of the United States, and sooner the leader of the Secession War against the vampires. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Critics Consensus: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter has visual style to spare, but its overly serious tone doesn't jibe with its decidedly silly central premise, leaving filmgoers with an unfulfilling blend of clashing ingredients. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is now on Bluray DVD (U. Own it now: With an Critics Consensus: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter has visual style to spare, but its overly serious tone doesn't jibe with its decidedly silly central premise, leaving filmgoers with an. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Trailer President Lincoln's mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slaveowning helpers. The reallife figure Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is portrayed in the film as having a secret identity as the history's greatest hunter of the undead. The reallife figure Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is portrayed in the film as having a secret identity as the history's greatest hunter of the undead. Abraham discovers vampires are planning to take over the United States. Lincoln makes it his mission to eliminate them, becoming history's greatest hunter of the undead. Storyline: At the age of 9, Abraham Lincoln witnesses his mother being killed by a vampire, Jack Barts. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Trailer President Lincolns mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slaveowning helpers. n momentul n care afl c boala misterioas din pricina creia a decedat mama lui Nancy avea legtur cu un vampir local ce dorea s colecteze o datorie de la tatl su, adolescentul Abe Lincoln jur s se rzbune pe aceast specie c Abraham Lincoln, chasseur de vampires (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter) est un film amricain produit et ralis par Timur Bekmambetov sur le scnario de Seth GrahameSmith d'aprs son propre roman homonyme, sorti en 2012. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Trailer President Lincolns mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slaveowning helpers. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Trailer President Lincoln's mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slaveowning helpers. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a tricky title to judge, picture qualitywise, and that's before we even get to talking about the post production 3D. In Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter the 16th president is out for revenge after witnessing his own mother get killed by bloodsuckers. In reality, Lincoln did witness the death of his mother but it wasn't vampires that killed her. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter tells the story found in Lincoln's secret journal describing his alterna Here's one from 2 years ago almost to the day. It's always nice to be a couple years ahead of the curve. I expected Seth GrahameSmith's latest book, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, to be a tongueincheek look at the life of Abraham Lincoln. I assumed it would be a parody of sorts attempting to use the timeline of Lincoln's life as map and having a little fun with US history. We have two brand new exclusive onesheets for you from the upcoming film adaptation of the bestselling horror mashup, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Abraham Lincoln watched his mother died by the hand of a vampire when he was 9. Growing up, he tries to kill the vampire but he fails. But he meets Henry Sturgess who shows him how to kill vampires probably. Later, Abraham becomes the US President and continue to fight the vampires on a bigger scale. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a 2012 American dark fantasy action horror film directed by Timur Bekmambetov, based on the 2010 mashup novel of the same. Daha 9 yanda Vampirlerin annesini ldrmesine ahit olan Abraham Lincoln bu olayn ardndan genlik yllarn vampirlerle nasl savaacan renerek geirir. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter IMDb 5. 9 105 min The reallife figure Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is portrayed in the film as having a secret identity as the history's greatest hunter of the undead. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Abraham Lincoln watched his mother died by the hand of a vampire when he was 9. Growing up, he tries to kill the vampire but he fails. But he meets Henry Sturgess who shows him how to kill vampires probably. Later, Abraham becomes the US President and continue to fight the vampires on a bigger scale. In Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, vampires aren't killed by sunlight and remain unaffected by holy objects, prayers, or water. They can only be harmed and killed by silver, andor decapitation. They can only be harmed and killed by silver, andor decapitation. Vampir Avcs Abraham Lincoln izle, Vampir Avcs Abraham Lincoln full izle, Vampir Avcs Abraham Lincoln trke dublaj izle, Vampir Avcs Abraham Lincoln hd izle, 17 Austos 2012'de vizyonda izleyici ile buluan vampir avcs abraham lincoln filminde ynetmenlii timur bekmambetov stlenirken Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Dominic Cooper, Rufus Sewell gibi isimlerde oyuncu. Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter is a biographical action horror mashup novel by Seth GrahameSmith, released on March 2, 2010, through New Yorkbased publishing company Grand Central Publishing. Watch videoAbraham expresses to Henry an interest in becoming a vampire hunter when he's about 20, i. Henry shows Abe a magic lantern slide show including several photographic portraits in Daguerreotype style which was not around until about 1838, the date of the first known portrait photographs. Jackman proved that he had some big ideas in 2011 with his marvelous score for the XMen reboot XMen: First Class, and while Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter doesn't want for spark and sizzle, it certainly lacks the former's heady balance of chaos and refinement. ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VNTOR DE VAMPIRI analizeaz viaa secret a celui deal 16lea preedinte american i povestea nespus care lea modelat naiunea. Abraham Lincoln, historys greatest hunter of the undead, must risk the presidency, his family and his life to protect America from bloodthirsty vampires. Thrust into an epic fight against the ruthless killers, Lincoln must rely on those around him. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a film adaptation of the book of the same name. It was released in 2012 and directed by Timur Bekmambetov, produced by Tim Burton, and starring Benjamin Walker in the title role. Seth GrahameSmith adapted the screenplay himself. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a 2012 American action, fantasy, and horror film based on the 2010 mashup novel of the same name. Benjamin Walker stars as the title character. The reallife figure Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States ( ), is portrayed in the novel and the film as having a secret identity as a vampire hunter. President Lincoln's mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slaveowning helpers. Director: Timur Bekmambetov Writers: Seth GrahameSmith. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012): Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, discovers vampires are planning to take over the United States. After witnessing his mother's death at the hands of a vampire, this version of Abraham Lincoln grew up possessing a burning desire to avenge his mother's death. His first attempt to hunt vampires began once he grew up, however, it resulted in his failure; fortunately for him, he was rescued from Abraham Lincoln: Cazador de vampiros (2012) @Abraham Lincoln: Cazador de vampiros. La luz de la luna cae a travs de los densos bosques que rodean una cabaa, donde un nio de nueve aos llamado Abraham Lincoln se arrodilla junto a la cama de su madre que sufre. When I heard about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by the same author, I was at first a little apprehensive, but I still ordered it because I do like Seth GrahameSmith style and sense of horror. Tongue in cheek and not to gory..