Here is PROC2 from the latest commit on the Pro CFW repo, . The CIPL flasher is left out intentionally for 6. PSPProB Pro B10 Unplug the PSP USB cable, now use the PSP to navigate to the Game menu use PRO UPDATE install pro cfw. After running PROUPDATE a menu will appear, press. Search Google; About Google; Privacy; Terms Aprenderemos hackear vuestra PSP con version 6. 60 PRO B9 es uno de los custom firmwares ms desarrollados hasta la fecha, con multiples actualizaciones por parte de sus desarrolladores Caractersticas Spoiler Mas Informacion: Dump de UMD a imgenes ISO Dump de ttulos comprados en PSN a ISO (con NPDecryptor) Soporta los ttulos Ce programme touche au flash0 de votre PSP et est donc susceptible de bricker votre console. Ni PSPGen, ni les dveloppeurs de ce programme ne seront tenus pour responsables en cas de brick. rar CIPLFlasher ms0: PSPGAME XMBCPIL Flasher For PROC. Para recuperar el Custom Firmware cuando se apague o reinicie el PSP y el Custom Firmware desaparezca, tan slo hay que ejecutar el Fast Recovery Tengo dudas por que parece que es de placa maldita, pero tiene operativo un flasheo, el LME launcher for 660, y corre la mayoria de juegos, aunque algunos con fallos. This PSP custom firmware is called PROC fix3 it has been fixed so it wont brick your PSP but to make sure that you definitely wont brick your PSP READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU ARE AN IDIOT AND YOU BRICK YOUR PSP WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE. If you are looking for a better online game experience and are using a older version of PSP CFW 6. XX PROC Online Client, Then is recommended to update to the latest version which is now PSP CFW 6. 10 made available to the PSP Homebrew community a. 60 installed and CFW PROC fix 3 Please provide any additional information below. I tested also with B9 and B10, the same problem. All them tested with the OFW 6. Ce programme touche au flash0 de votre PSP et est donc susceptible de bricker votre console. Ni PSPGen, ni les dveloppeurs de ce programme ne seront tenus pour responsables en. So I have my PSP on CFW PROC 6. 60 and I just realized that the latest is PROC 6. I hope you guys can help my on a guide on how to upgrade to PROC 6. 61 and what do I need to download and where, pretty please 3) PROUPDATE FastRecovery PSPGAME ( PSP GO). 61 firmware update the PSP scene has come alive and a few more interesting developments have been made. We recently reported the updated Chronoswitch which allows downgrading PSP's from firmware 6. Developer qwikrazor87 at around the same time also released this PSP custom firmware. I'm new to this even to PSP, so bear with me My PSP is a 3004 model I downloaded some ISO games and copied them to the PSP. 60 proc2 Before Installation PSP Street E1000 will brick with Infinity. 60 has been release not too long ago to the Playstation Community. 60 was develop and release by Sony Playstation to offer a bit more security and features on the PSP and PSP Go System. PROC Fast Recovery Worked on PSP Street PSP E1000 Recorded with Fraps Recording Software Filmed with GoPro Hero 5 Black (1080p 50fps Linear) Edited wit PSP FW6. You dont have to be any programmer or hacker. This hack is so easy to apply on all of your PSPs including Phat or whether its slim. Below is the stepwise procedure to. PlayStation Portable Firmware is exactly what you need to keep your PSPs firmware update. PlayStation Portable Firmware keeps to your PSP working just the way you want it to and your games, videos and music running with its best quality. 60 PRO B10 fix psp, custom psp. liquidzigong Prometheus PSP PRO. But i want to make sure i go about upgrading and keeping all of hello so i'm new to the psp scene and i have some questions. first, should i install pro cfix 3 or pro c2 cfw? because i've heard that Pro C2 has some problems with psn psx games. Just a quick tutorial on putting CFW onto your psp 1000, 2000, 3000: ) hope you enjoy the video! please give a like and a comment! CFW Saiu a mais nova verso do CFW 6. Virtuous Flame, Coldbird, Neur0n e npt no do descanso. Aps a liberao do downgrade do firmware 6. 60 desenvolvido por Some1, o TeamPro no mediu esforos e j em seguida aplicou a falha no kernel do firmware e liberou o CFW 6. Bonjour, j'ai craquer (je l'cris comme sa car JV me dit que c'est un mot interdit) ma PSP3004 avec PROC (6. 60 PROC) et je voudrais savoir comment mettre. 60PROCfatms371v2 PROB10 Release: CFW Pro C. Some of you might think this is old news, having seen Pro CFW C released a long time ago on other websites. i just installed 660 pro c on my psp 1001 using the wololo way. if i go online with a game using. The PRO Team have released two new FIXES for their LCFW PROC (for PSP FW 6. They have finally fixed the CIPL Installer bug which led to users bricking their consoles. Here's the official changelog for FIXES 34. 60Update660 PROC Fast Recovery. 3) PROUPDATE FastRecovery PSPGAME ( PSP GO). The below methods detail how to install Permanent Custom Firmware. Only do this if your PSP supports it and you know what you're doing; Temporary CFW is enough for most people. First, identify your PSP motherboard in the PSPModels guide. Next, find out which exploit is right for you, and go to the. Le hack sur PSP, tous modles confondus. Profitez a 100 de votre console portable. hola ayuda lo que me pasa es lo del asunto o tema corro la aplicacion 660 prob fast recovery y se reinicia lo prendo y no hace nada ayuda por favor mi psp es psp2010 date code 8c y tiene la version original 6..